Row Sequences ============= Description ----------- A :cpp:class:`RowSequence ` is an abstract class representing a monotonically-increasing sequence of row numbers that can be used to reference elements in a :cpp:class:`ClientTable ` or :cpp:class:`ColumnSource `. It is used as a parameter to methods like :cpp:func:`Stream ` and :cpp:func:`fillChunk `. The row numbers inside a :cpp:class:`RowSequence ` are ``uint64_t`` values. The coordinate space used (whether key space or position space) is not specified, and is implied by context. However, as of this writing, all of the public methods in the C++ client that take :cpp:class:`RowSequence ` arguments assume they are in position space. :cpp:class:`RowSequence ` objects are immutable. They can be sliced via the :cpp:func:`Take ` and :cpp:func:`Drop ` methods, which return new :cpp:class:`RowSequence ` shared_ptrs. You can interrogate their size via :cpp:func:`size ` or :cpp:func:`empty `. You can iterate over them with :cpp:func:`forEachInterval ` or by obtaining a :cpp:class:`RowSequenceIterator ` via :cpp:func:`getRowSequenceIterator ` Declarations ------------ .. doxygenclass:: deephaven::dhcore::container::RowSequence :members: .. doxygenclass:: deephaven::dhcore::container::RowSequenceBuilder :members: .. doxygenclass:: deephaven::dhcore::container::RowSequenceIterator :members: