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Version: Python

Install and run Deephaven with pre-built artifacts

This guide will show you how to install and launch Deephaven Community Core from pre-built artifacts without installing Docker or building from source code.


This guide is for users who have Linux, Windows WSL, or Mac and have Java 11+ installed.

Get the artifacts

The Deephaven artifacts are attached to each Deephaven release. The latest release is available at

  • The server artifact is available in tar format.
  • The (optional) Python artifact is available in wheel format.

You can download these artifacts from your browser of choice or via the command line.

For example:


Unpack the server

The server artifact needs to be unpacked. You can do this from your file explorer or from the command line.

For example:

tar xvf server-jetty-0.33.3.tar

Create the virtual environment

Use the following steps to enable Python sessions for your Deephaven Community Core installation. You may skip this section if you only want to use Groovy sessions. (It is possible to switch back and forth between Groovy and Python sessions, but only one may be used at a time.)

When running Deephaven with a Python session, it is recommended to use a virtual environment.

python -m venv deephaven-venv
source deephaven-venv/bin/activate

pip install "deephaven_core-0.33.3-py3-none-any.whl[autocomplete]"

Installing the Deephaven wheel from PyPi is also possible.

pip install "deephaven-core[autocomplete]==0.33.3"

Running the server

The server contains a bin/ directory with a start script. To start the server, invoke the following command. To use Groovy sessions instead, change python to groovy.

START_OPTS="-Ddeephaven.console.type=python" server-jetty-0.33.3/bin/start

The server should now be up and running with stdout printed to the console and the web UI available at http://localhost:10000.

Congratulations - you are now running the Deephaven server natively!

You can stop the server with Control+C.


Deephaven, by default, uses pre-shared key authentication. If no key is set, a randomly generated key will be used to log into the server each time it starts. The randomly generated key is printed to the Docker logs like this:


To set your own pre-shared key, add -Dauthentication.psk=<YourPasswordHere> to the START_OPTS.

START_OPTS="-Dauthentication.psk=YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE" server-jetty-0.33.3/bin/start
