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Version: Java (Groovy)

Ternary conditional operator (ternary-if)

The Deephaven Query Language (DQL) implements if-then-else logic using a one-line ternary conditional operator, also known as ternary-if.

The syntax for the ternary conditional operator is:

condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse

The question mark (?) separates the condition from the expressions, and the colon (:) separates the expression evaluated when the condition is true from the expression evaluated when the condition is false.

The expression x ? y : z evaluates as follows:

  • If x is true, the expression evaluates to y.
  • If x is false, the expression evaluates to z.

The expression x ? (y ? 1 : 2) : 3 evaluates as follows:

  • If both x and y are true, the expression evaluates to 1.
  • If x is true, and y is false, the expression evaluates to 2.
  • If x is false, the expression evaluates to 3.


condition ? expressionTrue : expressionFalse



The condition to be evaluated.


If condition is true, the result of this expression will be returned.


If condition is false, the result of this expression will be returned.


expressionTrue if condition is true, and expressionFalse if condition is false.


In the following example, a new column, Budget, is created. The column contains yes, if the value in the Price column is less than or equal to 3.50, and contains no otherwise.

source = newTable(
stringCol("Type", "Pine", "Fir", "Cedar", "Oak", "Ash", "Walnut", "Beech", "Cherry"),
stringCol("Hardness", "soft", "soft", "soft", "hard", "hard", "hard", "hard", "hard"),
doubleCol("Price", 1.95, 3.70, 3.25, 3.45, 4.25, 7.95 , 4.10, 5.25)

result = source.update("Budget = (Price <= 3.50) ? `yes` : `no` ")

In the following example, a ternary-if is used to categorize woods into three categories:

  • hard-cheap: hardwoods costing less than or equal to $3.50,
  • hard-expensive: hardwoods costing more than $3.50, and
  • soft: softwoods.
source = newTable(
stringCol("Type", "Pine", "Fir", "Cedar", "Oak", "Ash", "Walnut", "Beech", "Cherry"),
stringCol("Hardness", "soft", "soft", "soft", "hard", "hard", "hard", "hard", "hard"),
doubleCol("Price", 1.95, 3.70, 3.25, 3.45, 4.25, 7.95 , 4.10, 5.25)

result = source.update(
"Category = (Hardness == `hard`) ? ( (Price <= 3.50) ? `hard-cheap` : `hard-expensive` ) : `soft` ")