Package io.deephaven.api.agg.spec

package io.deephaven.api.agg.spec
  • Class
    An aggregation specification represents the configurable options for singular and compound column aggregations.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sum of absolute input values for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs a percentile approximated using a T-Digest with the specified AggSpecApproximatePercentile.compression().
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the arithmetic mean for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the count of distinct values for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the distinct values for each group as a Deephaven vector (io.deephaven.vector.Vector).
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the first value in the input column for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that applies a formula to each input group (as a Deephaven vector (io.deephaven.vector.Vector)) to produce the corresponding output value.
    Specifies an aggregation that freezes the first value for each group and ignores subsequent changes.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs each group of input values as a Deephaven vector (io.deephaven.vector.Vector).
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the last value in the input column for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the maximum value in the input column for each group.
    Specifier for a column aggregation that produces a median value from the input column's values for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the minimum value in the input column for each group.
    Specifier for a column aggregation that produces a percentile value from the input column's values for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the first value in the input column for each group, after sorting the group on the sort columns.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the last value in the input column for each group, after sorting the group on the sort columns.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sample standard deviation of the input column values for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sum of input values for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs a T-Digest (com.tdunning.math.stats.TDigest) with the specified AggSpecTDigest.compression().
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the single unique input value for groups that have one, null if all input values are null, or AggSpecUnique.nonUniqueSentinel() if there is more than one distinct value.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sample variance of the input column values for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the average (arithmetic mean) of the input column values weighted by the weight column values for each group.
    Specifies an aggregation that outputs the sum of the input column values weighted by the weight column values for each group.