Class OidcAuthenticationHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OidcAuthenticationHandler extends Object implements AuthenticationRequestHandler
Functionally behaves as a pac4j DirectClient, but can lean on a profile creator as HeaderClient does. At this time, this is specific to Keycloak, as it is an easy IDP to quickly set up, and it can delegate to other IDPs.
  • Constructor Details

    • OidcAuthenticationHandler

      public OidcAuthenticationHandler()
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize(String targetUrl)
      Description copied from interface: AuthenticationRequestHandler
      Initialize request handler with the provided url.
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface AuthenticationRequestHandler
      targetUrl - the base url of the hosted UI
    • getAuthType

      public String getAuthType()
      Description copied from interface: AuthenticationRequestHandler
      This handler can be referred to via both Arrow Flight's original Auth and Auth2. To use via the original Arrow Flight Handshake, the request should be sent in a WrappedAuthenticationRequest with this handler's identity string. To use via Arrow Flight Auth 2's metadata header, then the Auth2Constants.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER should be prefixed with this handler's identity string.
      Specified by:
      getAuthType in interface AuthenticationRequestHandler
      the type string used to identify the handler
    • login

      public Optional<AuthContext> login(long protocolVersion, ByteBuffer payload, AuthenticationRequestHandler.HandshakeResponseListener listener) throws AuthenticationException
      Description copied from interface: AuthenticationRequestHandler
      Given a protocol version (very likely to be zero) and payload bytes, if possible authenticate this user. If the handler can correctly decode the payload and confirm the user's identity, an appropriate UserContext should be returned. If the payload is correctly decoded and definitely isn't a valid user, an exception may be thrown. If there is ambiguity in decoding the payload (leading to apparent "not a valid user") or the payload cannot be decoded, an empty optional should be returned. Note that regular arrow flight clients cannot specify the protocolVersion; to be compatible with flight auth assume protocolVersion will be zero.
      Specified by:
      login in interface AuthenticationRequestHandler
      protocolVersion - Mostly unused, this is an allowed field to set on HandshakeRequests from the Flight gRPC call.
      payload - The byte payload of the handshake, such as an encoded protobuf.
      listener - The handshake response observer, which enables multi-request authentication.
      AuthContext for this user if applicable else Empty
    • login

      Description copied from interface: AuthenticationRequestHandler
      Given a payload string, if possible authenticate this user. If the handler can correctly decode the payload and confirm the user's identity, an appropriate UserContext should be returned. If the payload is correctly decoded and definitely isn't a valid user, an exception may be thrown. If there is ambiguity in decoding the payload (leading to apparent "not a valid user") or the payload cannot be decoded, an empty optional should be returned. Note that metadata can only be sent with the initial gRPC response; multi-message authentication via gRPC metadata headers require multiple gRPC call attempts.
      Specified by:
      login in interface AuthenticationRequestHandler
      payload - The byte payload of the Authorization header, such as an encoded protobuf or b64 encoded string.
      listener - The metadata response observer, which enables multi-request authentication.
      AuthContext for this user if applicable else Empty