Class AggregatingFloatRingBuffer


public class AggregatingFloatRingBuffer extends Object
A ring buffer which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function. This aggregation calculation is performed lazily, when the user calls evaluate(). Internally the class manages a tree of intermediate aggregation values. This allows the class to efficiently update the final aggregated value when entries enter and leave the buffer, without necessarily running the calculation over the whole buffer.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
  • Constructor Summary

    AggregatingFloatRingBuffer(int capacity, float identityVal, @NotNull AggregatingFloatRingBuffer.FloatFunction aggFunction)
    Creates a ring buffer for float values which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
    AggregatingFloatRingBuffer(int capacity, float identityVal, @NotNull AggregatingFloatRingBuffer.FloatFunction aggTreeFunction, @NotNull AggregatingFloatRingBuffer.FloatFunction aggInitialFunction)
    Creates a ring buffer for float values which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
    AggregatingFloatRingBuffer(int capacity, float identityVal, @NotNull AggregatingFloatRingBuffer.FloatFunction aggTreeFunction, @NotNull AggregatingFloatRingBuffer.FloatFunction aggInitialFunction, boolean growable)
    Creates a ring buffer for float values which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    add(float e)
    Adds an entry to the ring buffer.
    Adds the identity element to the ring buffer.
    addOverwrite(float e, float notFullResult)
    Adds an entry to the ring buffer.
    addUnsafe(float e)
    Adds a value without overflow detection.
    Returns the element at the tail of the ring buffer
    Removes all elements from the ring buffer and resets the data structure.
    Returns the element at the head of the ring buffer if the ring buffer is non-empty.
    ensureRemaining(int count)
    Ensures that there is sufficient empty space to store count additional items in the buffer.
    Return the result of aggregation function applied to the contents of the aggregating ring buffer.
    Returns the element at the head of the ring buffer
    front(int offset)
    Returns the element at the specified offset from the head in the ring buffer.
    Returns an array containing all elements in the ring buffer.
    protected void
    grow(int increase)
    Increases the capacity of the aggregating ring buffer.
    offer(float e)
    Attempts to add an entry to the ring buffer.
    peek(float onEmpty)
    Returns the element at the head of the ring buffer if the ring buffer is non-empty.
    peekBack(float onEmpty)
    Returns the element at the tail of the ring buffer if the ring buffer is non-empty.
    poll(float onEmpty)
    Removes the element at the head of the ring buffer if the ring buffer is non-empty.
    Removes one element from the head of the ring buffer.
    remove(int count)
    Removes multiple elements from the front of the ring buffer and returns the items as an array.
    Removes an element without empty buffer detection.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • AggregatingFloatRingBuffer

      public AggregatingFloatRingBuffer(int capacity, float identityVal, @NotNull @NotNull AggregatingFloatRingBuffer.FloatFunction aggFunction)
      Creates a ring buffer for float values which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function. This aggregation calculation is performed lazily, when the user calls evaluate(). Internally the class manages a tree of intermediate aggregation values. This allows the class to efficiently update the final aggregated value when entries enter and leave the buffer, without necessarily running the calculation over the whole buffer.

      The buffer expands its capacity as needed, employing a capacity-doubling strategy. However, note that the data structure never gives back storage: i.e. its capacity never shrinks.

      capacity - the minimum size for the structure to hold
      identityVal - The identity value associated with the aggregation function. This is a value e that satisfies f(x,e) == x and f(e,x) == x for all x. For example, for the AggregatingFloatRingBuffer, if the aggFunction is addition, multiplication, Math.min, or Math.max, the corresponding identity values would be 0.0f, 1.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE, and -Float.MAX_VALUE respectively.
      aggFunction - A function used to aggregate the data in the ring buffer. The function must be associative: that is it must satisfy f(f(a, b), c) == f(a, f(b, c)). For example, addition is associative, because (a + b) + c == a + (b + c). Some examples of associative functions are addition, multiplication, Math.min(), and Math.max(). This data structure maintains a tree of partially-evaluated subranges of the data, combining them efficiently whenever the data changes.
    • AggregatingFloatRingBuffer

      public AggregatingFloatRingBuffer(int capacity, float identityVal, @NotNull @NotNull AggregatingFloatRingBuffer.FloatFunction aggTreeFunction, @NotNull @NotNull AggregatingFloatRingBuffer.FloatFunction aggInitialFunction)
      Creates a ring buffer for float values which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function. This aggregation calculation is performed lazily, when the user calls evaluate(). Internally the class manages a tree of intermediate aggregation values. This allows the class to efficiently update the final aggregated value when entries enter and leave the buffer, without necessarily running the calculation over the whole buffer.

      The buffer expands its capacity as needed, employing a capacity-doubling strategy. However, note that the data structure never gives back storage: i.e. its capacity never shrinks.

      capacity - the minimum size for the structure to hold
      identityVal - The identity value associated with the aggregation function. This is a value e that satisfies f(x,e) == x and f(e,x) == x for all x. For example, for the AggregatingFloatRingBuffer, if the aggFunction is addition, multiplication, Math.min, or Math.max, the corresponding identity values would be 0.0f, 1.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE, and -Float.MAX_VALUE respectively.
      aggTreeFunction - A function used to aggregate the data in the ring buffer. The function must be associative: that is it must satisfy f(f(a, b), c) == f(a, f(b, c)). For example, addition is associative, because (a + b) + c == a + (b + c). Some examples of associative functions are addition, multiplication, Math.min(), and Math.max(). This data structure maintains a tree of partially-evaluated subranges of the data, combining them efficiently whenever the data changes.
      aggInitialFunction - An associative function separate from aggTreeFunction to be applied only to the user-supplied values in the ring buffer. The results of this function will be populated into the tree for later evaluation by aggTreeFunction. This function could be used to filter or translate data values at the leaf of the tree without affecting later computation.
    • AggregatingFloatRingBuffer

      public AggregatingFloatRingBuffer(int capacity, float identityVal, @NotNull @NotNull AggregatingFloatRingBuffer.FloatFunction aggTreeFunction, @NotNull @NotNull AggregatingFloatRingBuffer.FloatFunction aggInitialFunction, boolean growable)
      Creates a ring buffer for float values which aggregates its contents according to a user-defined aggregation function. This aggregation calculation is performed lazily, when the user calls evaluate(). Internally the class manages a tree of intermediate aggregation values. This allows the class to efficiently update the final aggregated value when entries enter and leave the buffer, without necessarily running the calculation over the whole buffer.

      If growable = true, the buffer expands its capacity as needed, employing a capacity-doubling strategy. However, note that the data structure never gives back storage: i.e. its capacity never shrinks.

      capacity - the minimum size for the structure to hold
      identityVal - The identity value associated with the aggregation function. This is a value e that satisfies f(x,e) == x and f(e,x) == x for all x. For example, for the AggregatingFloatRingBuffer, if the aggFunction is addition, multiplication, Math.min, or Math.max, the corresponding identity values would be 0.0f, 1.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE, and -Float.MAX_VALUE respectively.
      aggTreeFunction - A function used to aggregate the data in the ring buffer. The function must be associative: that is it must satisfy f(f(a, b), c) == f(a, f(b, c)). For example, addition is associative, because (a + b) + c == a + (b + c). Some examples of associative functions are addition, multiplication, Math.min(), and Math.max(). This data structure maintains a tree of partially-evaluated subranges of the data, combining them efficiently whenever the data changes.
      aggInitialFunction - An associative function separate from aggTreeFunction to be applied only to the user-supplied values in the ring buffer. The results of this function will be populated into the tree for later evaluation by aggTreeFunction. This function could be used to filter or translate data values at the leaf of the tree without affecting later computation.
      growable - whether to allow growth when the buffer is full.
  • Method Details

    • grow

      protected void grow(int increase)
      Increases the capacity of the aggregating ring buffer.
      increase - Increase amount. The ring buffer's capacity will be increased by at least this amount.
    • isFull

      public boolean isFull()
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
    • size

      public int size()
    • capacity

      public int capacity()
    • remaining

      public int remaining()
    • add

      public void add(float e)
      Adds an entry to the ring buffer. Throws an exception if buffer is full and growth is disabled. For a graceful failure, use offer(float)
      e - the float to be added to the buffer
      UnsupportedOperationException - when growable is false and buffer is full
    • ensureRemaining

      public void ensureRemaining(int count)
      Ensures that there is sufficient empty space to store count additional items in the buffer. If the buffer is growable, this may result in an internal growth operation. This call should be used in conjunction with addUnsafe(float).
      count - the minimum number of empty entries in the buffer after this call
      UnsupportedOperationException - when growable is false and the buffer's available space is less than count
    • addOverwrite

      public float addOverwrite(float e, float notFullResult)
      Adds an entry to the ring buffer. If the buffer is full, overwrites the oldest entry with the new one.
      e - the float to be added to the buffer
      notFullResult - value to return if the buffer is not full
      the overwritten entry if the buffer is full, the provided value otherwise
    • offer

      public boolean offer(float e)
      Attempts to add an entry to the ring buffer. If the buffer is full, the add fails and the buffer will not grow even if growable.
      e - the float to be added to the buffer
      true if the value was added successfully, false otherwise
    • remove

      public float remove()
      Removes one element from the head of the ring buffer.
      The removed element if the ring buffer was non-empty
      NoSuchElementException - if the buffer is empty
    • poll

      public float poll(float onEmpty)
      Removes the element at the head of the ring buffer if the ring buffer is non-empty. Otherwise returns onEmpty.
      onEmpty - the value to return if the ring buffer is empty
      The removed element if the ring buffer was non-empty, otherwise the value of onEmpty.
    • element

      public float element()
      Returns the element at the head of the ring buffer if the ring buffer is non-empty.
      The head element if the ring buffer is non-empty
      NoSuchElementException - if the buffer is empty
    • peek

      public float peek(float onEmpty)
      Returns the element at the head of the ring buffer if the ring buffer is non-empty. Otherwise returns onEmpty.
      onEmpty - the value to return if the ring buffer is empty
      The head element if the ring buffer is non-empty
    • front

      public float front()
      Returns the element at the head of the ring buffer
      The element at the head of the ring buffer
      NoSuchElementException - if the buffer is empty
    • front

      public float front(int offset)
      Returns the element at the specified offset from the head in the ring buffer.
      offset - The specified offset.
      The element at the specified offset
      NoSuchElementException - if the buffer is empty
    • back

      public float back()
      Returns the element at the tail of the ring buffer
      The element at the tail of the ring buffer
      NoSuchElementException - if the buffer is empty
    • peekBack

      public float peekBack(float onEmpty)
      Returns the element at the tail of the ring buffer if the ring buffer is non-empty. Otherwise returns onEmpty.
      onEmpty - the value to return if the ring buffer is empty
      The element at the tail of the ring buffer, otherwise the value of onEmpty.
    • getAll

      public float[] getAll()
      Returns an array containing all elements in the ring buffer.
      An array containing a copy of the elements in the ring buffer.
    • addUnsafe

      public void addUnsafe(float e)
      Adds a value without overflow detection. The caller must ensure that there is at least one element of free space in the ring buffer before calling this method. The caller may use ensureRemaining(int) or remaining() for this purpose.
      e - the value to add to the buffer
    • addIdentityValue

      public void addIdentityValue()
      Adds the identity element to the ring buffer. Throws an exception if the buffer is full and not growable.
      UnsupportedOperationException - when growable is false and buffer is full
    • removeUnsafe

      public float removeUnsafe()
      Removes an element without empty buffer detection. The caller must ensure that there is at least one element in the ring buffer. The size() method may be used for this purpose.
      the value removed from the buffer
    • remove

      public float[] remove(int count)
      Removes multiple elements from the front of the ring buffer and returns the items as an array.
      count - The number of elements to remove.
      NoSuchElementException - if the buffer is empty
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Removes all elements from the ring buffer and resets the data structure. This may require resetting all entries in the storage buffer and evaluation tree and should be considered to be of complexity O(capacity) instead of O(size).
    • evaluate

      public float evaluate()
      Return the result of aggregation function applied to the contents of the aggregating ring buffer.
      The result of (@code aggFunction()} applied to each value in the buffer