Class FlightSessionFactoryConfig


@Immutable public abstract class FlightSessionFactoryConfig extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • FlightSessionFactoryConfig

      public FlightSessionFactoryConfig()
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static FlightSessionFactoryConfig.Builder builder()
    • userAgent

      public static String userAgent(List<String> extraProperties)
      Constructs a grpc user-agent with grpc-java, deephaven, and flight versions, with the addition of extraProperties.
      extraProperties - the extra properties
      the user-agent
      See Also:
    • clientConfig

      public abstract ClientConfig clientConfig()
      The client configuration.
    • clientChannelFactory

      @Default public ClientChannelFactory clientChannelFactory()
      The client channel factory. By default, is a factory that sets a user-agent which includes relevant versions (see userAgent(List)) and the property "deephaven-java-client-flight".
    • sessionConfig

      @Default public SessionConfig sessionConfig()
      The default session config, used by the factory when SessionConfig is not provided. By default is SessionConfig.builder().build().
    • scheduler

      public abstract ScheduledExecutorService scheduler()
      The default scheduler, used by the factory when SessionConfig.scheduler() is not set.
    • allocator

      public abstract org.apache.arrow.memory.BufferAllocator allocator()
      The allocator.
    • factory

      public final FlightSessionFactoryConfig.Factory factory()
      Creates a new factory with a new ManagedChannel.
      the factory