Interface RowSetShiftCallback

All Known Implementing Classes:
BooleanSparseArraySource, ByteSparseArraySource, CharacterSparseArraySource, DoubleSparseArraySource, FloatSparseArraySource, InstantSparseArraySource, IntegerSparseArraySource, LongSparseArraySource, NanosBasedTimeSparseArraySource, ObjectSparseArraySource, ShortSparseArraySource, SparseArrayColumnSource, ZonedDateTimeSparseArraySource

public interface RowSetShiftCallback
Callback interface for propagating shifts over entire RowSets.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    shift(RowSet rowSet, long shiftDelta)
    Signals that the row keys in rowSet should be shifted by the provided shiftDelta.
  • Method Details

    • shift

      void shift(RowSet rowSet, long shiftDelta)
      Signals that the row keys in rowSet should be shifted by the provided shiftDelta.
      rowSet - The row keys to shift
      shiftDelta - The shift delta to apply to each row key in rowSet