Class NullAwareCharReverseStampKernel

All Implemented Interfaces:
Context, StampKernel, SafeCloseable, AutoCloseable

public class NullAwareCharReverseStampKernel extends Object implements StampKernel
  • Method Details

    • computeRedirections

      public void computeRedirections(Chunk<Values> leftStamps, Chunk<Values> rightStamps, LongChunk<RowKeys> rightKeyIndices, WritableLongChunk<RowKeys> leftRedirections)
      Description copied from interface: StampKernel
      Stamps the left-hand-side values with the corresponding right hand side.

      The rightKeyIndices are parallel to the stamp values in rightStamps; and used to compute a new chunk of redirections parallel to leftStamps.

      Specified by:
      computeRedirections in interface StampKernel
      leftStamps - the input lhs stamp values
      rightStamps - the input rhs stamp values
      rightKeyIndices - the input rhs stamp indices
      leftRedirections - the resulting redirections from the stamping operation