Class AbstractTableLocation

All Implemented Interfaces:
LogOutputAppendable, DelegatingLivenessReferent, LivenessReferent, TableLocation, TableLocationState, NamedImplementation
Direct Known Subclasses:
NonexistentTableLocation, ParquetTableLocation, PythonTableDataService.TableLocationImpl

public abstract class AbstractTableLocation extends SubscriptionAggregator<TableLocation.Listener> implements TableLocation, DelegatingLivenessReferent
Partial TableLocation implementation for use by TableDataService implementations.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractTableLocation

      protected AbstractTableLocation(@NotNull @NotNull TableKey tableKey, @NotNull @NotNull TableLocationKey tableLocationKey, boolean supportsSubscriptions)
      tableKey - Table key for the table this location belongs to
      tableLocationKey - Table location key that identifies this location
      supportsSubscriptions - Whether subscriptions are to be supported
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public final String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • asLivenessReferent

      public LivenessReferent asLivenessReferent()
      Description copied from interface: DelegatingLivenessReferent
      Returns the "real" LivenessReferent instance. When implementing this, care should be taken to match lifecycle of the DelegatingLivenessReferent instance with this instance, as the returned LivenessReferent behaves as a proxy for this.
      Specified by:
      asLivenessReferent in interface DelegatingLivenessReferent
      a LivenessReferent to use to manage this object's liveness.
    • getStateLock

      @NotNull public final @NotNull Object getStateLock()
      Specified by:
      getStateLock in interface TableLocationState
      The Object that accessors should synchronize on if they want to invoke multiple getters with consistent results.
    • getRowSet

      public final RowSet getRowSet()
      Specified by:
      getRowSet in interface TableLocationState
      The (possibly-empty) RowSet of a table location, or null if RowSet information is unknown or does not exist for this table location.
    • getSize

      public final long getSize()
      Specified by:
      getSize in interface TableLocationState
      The size of a table location:
      NULL_SIZE: Size information is unknown or does not exist for this location
      >= 0: The table location exists and has (possibly empty) data
    • getLastModifiedTimeMillis

      public final long getLastModifiedTimeMillis()
      Specified by:
      getLastModifiedTimeMillis in interface TableLocationState
      The last modified time for a table location, in milliseconds from the epoch:
      NULL_TIME: Modification time information is unknown or does not exist for this location
      >= 0: The time this table was last modified, in milliseconds from the UTC epoch
    • getTableKey

      @NotNull public final @NotNull ImmutableTableKey getTableKey()
      Specified by:
      getTableKey in interface TableLocation
      An ImmutableTableKey instance for the enclosing table
    • getKey

      @NotNull public final @NotNull ImmutableTableLocationKey getKey()
      Specified by:
      getKey in interface TableLocation
      An ImmutableTableLocationKey instance for this location
    • deliverInitialSnapshot

      protected final void deliverInitialSnapshot(@NotNull @NotNull TableLocation.Listener listener)
      Description copied from class: SubscriptionAggregator
      Prompt listeners to record current state, under the subscriptions lock.
      Specified by:
      deliverInitialSnapshot in class SubscriptionAggregator<TableLocation.Listener>
      listener - The listener to notify
    • handleUpdate

      public final void handleUpdate(RowSet rowSet, long lastModifiedTimeMillis)
      See TableLocationState for documentation of values.
      rowSet - The new RowSet. Ownership passes to this location; callers should copy it if necessary.
      lastModifiedTimeMillis - The new lastModificationTimeMillis
    • handleUpdate

      public void handleUpdate(@NotNull @NotNull TableLocationState source)
      Update all state fields from source's values, as in handleUpdate(RowSet, long). See TableLocationState for documentation of values.
      source - The source to copy state values from
    • getColumnLocation

      @NotNull public final @NotNull ColumnLocation getColumnLocation(@NotNull @NotNull CharSequence name)
      Specified by:
      getColumnLocation in interface TableLocation
      name - The column name
      The ColumnLocation for the defined column under this table location
    • makeColumnLocation

      @NotNull protected abstract @NotNull ColumnLocation makeColumnLocation(@NotNull @NotNull String name)
    • clearColumnLocations

      public final void clearColumnLocations()
      Clear all column locations (usually because a truncated location was observed).
    • getDataIndex

      @Nullable public final @Nullable BasicDataIndex getDataIndex(@NotNull @NotNull String... columns)
      Description copied from interface: TableLocation
      Get the data index table for the specified set of columns. Note that the order of columns does not matter here.
      Specified by:
      getDataIndex in interface TableLocation
      columns - The key columns for the index
      The index table or null if one does not exist
    • loadDataIndex

      @InternalUseOnly @Nullable public abstract @Nullable BasicDataIndex loadDataIndex(@NotNull @NotNull String... columns)
      Load the data index from the location implementation. Implementations of this method should not perform any result caching.
      columns - The columns to load an index for
      The data index, or null if none exists
      This method is public for use in delegating implementations, and should not be called directly otherwise.
    • destroy

      protected void destroy()
      The reference count has reached zero, we can clear this location and release any resources.