Class DoubleRangeFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Expression, Filter, WhereFilter, Serializable

public class DoubleRangeFilter extends AbstractRangeFilter
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DoubleRangeFilter

      public DoubleRangeFilter(String columnName, double val1, double val2)
    • DoubleRangeFilter

      public DoubleRangeFilter(String columnName, double val1, double val2, boolean lowerInclusive, boolean upperInclusive)
  • Method Details

    • lt

      public static DoubleRangeFilter lt(String columnName, double x)
    • leq

      public static DoubleRangeFilter leq(String columnName, double x)
    • gt

      public static DoubleRangeFilter gt(String columnName, double x)
    • geq

      public static DoubleRangeFilter geq(String columnName, double x)
    • makeRange

      public static WhereFilter makeRange(String columnName, String val)
    • init

      public void init(@NotNull @NotNull TableDefinition tableDefinition)
      Description copied from interface: WhereFilter
      Initialize this filter given the table definition. If this filter has already been initialized, this should be a no-op, or optionally validate that the table definition is compatible with previous initialization.
      tableDefinition - the definition of the table that will be filtered
    • copy

      public DoubleRangeFilter copy()
      Description copied from interface: WhereFilter
      Create a copy of this WhereFilter.
      an independent copy of this WhereFilter.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object