Class CountWhereOperator

public class CountWhereOperator extends BaseLongUpdateByOperator
  • Constructor Details

    • CountWhereOperator

      public CountWhereOperator(@NotNull @NotNull MatchPair pair, @NotNull @NotNull String[] affectingColumns, @Nullable @Nullable String timestampColumnName, long reverseWindowScaleUnits, long forwardWindowScaleUnits, CountWhereOperator.CountFilter[] filters, String[] inputColumnNames, ColumnSource<?>[] originalSources, ColumnSource<?>[] reinterpretedSources, boolean chunkSourceTableRequired, boolean originalChunksRequired)
      Create a new CountWhereOperator for rolling / windowed operations.
      pair - Contains the output column name as a MatchPair
      affectingColumns - The names of the columns that when changed would affect this formula output
      timestampColumnName - The name of the column containing timestamps for time-based calculations (or null when not time-based)
      reverseWindowScaleUnits - The size of the reverse window in ticks (or nanoseconds when time-based)
      forwardWindowScaleUnits - The size of the forward window in ticks (or nanoseconds when time-based)
      filters - the filters to apply to the input columns
      inputColumnNames - The names of the key columns to be used as inputs
      originalSources - Representative original sources for the input columns; stores type information and helps convert input data chunks but does not hold any actual data
      reinterpretedSources - Representative reinterpreted sources for input columns; stores type information but does not hold any actual data
      chunkSourceTableRequired - Whether we need to create and maintain a chunk source table
      originalChunksRequired - Whether we need to produce original-typed chunks for condition and chunk filters
    • CountWhereOperator

      public CountWhereOperator(@NotNull @NotNull MatchPair pair, CountWhereOperator.CountFilter[] filters, String[] inputColumnNames, ColumnSource<?>[] originalSources, ColumnSource<?>[] reinterpretedSources, boolean chunkSourceTableRequired, boolean originalChunksRequired)
      Create a new CountWhereOperator for cumulative operations.
      pair - Contains the output column name as a MatchPair
      filters - the filters to apply to the input columns
      originalSources - Representative original sources for the input columns; stores type information and helps convert input data chunks but does not hold any actual data
      reinterpretedSources - Representative reinterpreted sources for input columns; stores type information but does not hold any actual data
      chunkSourceTableRequired - Whether we need to create and maintain a chunk source table
      originalChunksRequired - Whether we need to produce original-typed chunks for condition and chunk filters
  • Method Details