Class TableSupplier

All Implemented Interfaces:
LogOutputAppendable, LivenessManager, LivenessNode, LivenessReferent, Serializable, InvocationHandler

@ScriptApi public class TableSupplier extends LivenessArtifact implements InvocationHandler
TableSupplier creates a Proxy to a Table with a list of Table operations to be applied when a filter method is called.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • build

      @ScriptApi public static Table build(Table sourceTable)
      Use to start the construction of a Table Supplier.
      sourceTable - the source table
      a Proxy that will supply a table
    • complete

      @ScriptApi public static Table complete(Table maybeSupplier)
      Sets a Table Supplier to be complete. This means that the supplier will generate a table the next time a filter operation is called. This method has no affect on Tables that are not suppliers.
      maybeSupplier - a Table that may be a supplier
      a completed Supplier or unaltered Table
    • getAppliedEmptyTable

      @ScriptApi public static Table getAppliedEmptyTable(Table maybeSupplier)
      Gets an empty version of the supplied table with all current operations applied to it. If the Table is not a Table Supplier then this will return the table unaltered.
      maybeSupplier - a Table that may be a supplier
      an applied empty table or an unaltered table
    • invoke

      public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable
      Specified by:
      invoke in interface InvocationHandler