Package io.deephaven.extensions.barrage.chunk
package io.deephaven.extensions.barrage.chunk
ClassDescriptionBaseChunkReader.ChunkTransformer<READ_CHUNK_TYPE extends Chunk<Values>,
DEST_CHUNK_TYPE extends WritableChunk<Values>> TheChunkReader
interface provides a mechanism for consuming Flight/Barrage streams and transforming them intoWritableChunk
instances for further processing.Supports creation ofChunkReader
instances to use when processing a flight stream.TheChunkWriter
interface provides a mechanism for writing chunks of data into a structured format suitable for transmission in Apache Arrow's columnar format.Creator ofChunkWriter
instances.JVM implementation ofChunkReader.Factory
, suitable for use in Java clients and servers.JVM implementation ofChunkWriter.Factory
, suitable for use in Java clients and servers.This supplier interface simplifies the cost to operate off of the ArrowType directly since the Arrow POJO is not yet supported over GWT.TheExpansionKernel
interface provides methods for transforming chunks containing complex or nested data structures into flattened representations, and vice versa.ListChunkWriter<LIST_TYPE,COMPONENT_CHUNK_TYPE extends Chunk<Values>> AChunkWriter
implementation that writes an Apache Arrow Null Column; which only writes a field node.TheSingleElementListHeaderReader
is a specializedBaseChunkReader
used to handle singleton list-wrapped columns in Apache Arrow record batches.TheSingleElementListHeaderWriter
is a specializedChunkWriter.DrainableColumn
implementation that writes the header for singleton list-wrapped columns in Apache Arrow record batches.TransformingChunkReader<INPUT_CHUNK_TYPE extends WritableChunk<Values>,OUTPUT_CHUNK_TYPE extends WritableChunk<Values>> AChunkReader
that reads a chunk of wire values and transforms them into a different chunk type.