Interface BarrageMessageReader

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BarrageMessageReader
A gRPC streaming reader that keeps stream specific context and converts InputStreams to BarrageMessages.
  • Method Details

    • safelyParseFrom

      BarrageMessage safelyParseFrom(BarrageOptions options, ChunkType[] columnChunkTypes, Class<?>[] columnTypes, Class<?>[] componentTypes, InputStream stream)
      Converts an InputStream to a BarrageMessage in the context of the provided parameters.
      options - the options related to parsing this message
      columnChunkTypes - the types to use for each column chunk
      columnTypes - the actual type for the column
      componentTypes - the actual component type for the column
      stream - the input stream that holds the message to be parsed
      a BarrageMessage filled out by the stream's payload