Package io.deephaven.iceberg.util
package io.deephaven.iceberg.util
ClassDescriptionThis class provides instructions intended for reading Iceberg catalogs and tables.This class manages an Iceberg
and provides methods to interact with it.Table implementation for static and refreshing Iceberg tables.This class is responsible for writing Deephaven tables to an Iceberg table.Tools for accessing tables in the Iceberg table format.Tools for accessing tables in the Iceberg table format from S3.This class provides instructions intended for writing deephaven tables as partitions to Iceberg tables.DataInstructionsProviderPlugin
implementation for producing aS3Instructions
.A specification for extracting the schema from a table.A specification for providingSortOrder
while writing to an iceberg table.This class provides instructions for buildingIcebergTableWriter
intended for writing Iceberg tables as Parquet data files.