Class JdbcTypeMapper.DateInstantDataTypeMapping

Enclosing class:

public static class JdbcTypeMapper.DateInstantDataTypeMapping extends JdbcTypeMapper.DataTypeMapping<Instant>
  • Method Details

    • bindToChunk

      public void bindToChunk(WritableChunk<Values> destChunk, int destOffset, ResultSet resultSet, int columnIndex, JdbcTypeMapper.Context context) throws SQLException
      Description copied from class: JdbcTypeMapper.DataTypeMapping
      Get a value from the current row in the given ResultSet, convert to the target type, insert into destination chunk. A Context object is provided for additional context or "settings" regarding how to perform the conversion (for example, the source time zone).
      Specified by:
      bindToChunk in class JdbcTypeMapper.DataTypeMapping<Instant>
      destChunk - the chunk to write to
      destOffset - the location in the chunk to write to
      resultSet - from which to extract the value
      columnIndex - ResultSet column from which to extract the value (1-based)
      context - conversion context information
      SQLException - if an error occurs
    • bindFromChunk

      public void bindFromChunk(Chunk<Values> srcChunk, int srcOffset, PreparedStatement stmt, int parameterIndex, JdbcTypeMapper.Context context) throws SQLException
      Description copied from class: JdbcTypeMapper.DataTypeMapping
      Bind the given value from the chunk in the given prepared statement.
      Specified by:
      bindFromChunk in class JdbcTypeMapper.DataTypeMapping<Instant>
      srcChunk - the chunk to read from
      srcOffset - the location in the chunk to read from
      stmt - statement to which to bind the given value
      parameterIndex - parameter index to bind
      context - context information for the binding
      SQLException - if an error occurs