Package io.deephaven.lang.generated
Class ScopedNode
- Direct Known Subclasses:
An ast node which can have scope nodes.
item.mthd()[array.access].field = blah()
item, mthd(), [], .field, etc are all scoped nodes,
as they have preceding tokens which qualify their type.
Anything that can come after a . is a ScopedNode.
Anything that can come before is an IsScope.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class io.deephaven.lang.generated.SimpleNode
children, firstToken, id, lastToken, parent, parser, value
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class io.deephaven.lang.generated.SimpleNode
addJunk, addToken, adopt, childrenAccept, dump, getChildren, getId, getJunk, indexOf, isWellFormed, jjtAccept, jjtAddChild, jjtClose, jjtGetChild, jjtGetFirstToken, jjtGetLastToken, jjtGetNumChildren, jjtGetParent, jjtGetValue, jjtInsertChild, jjtOpen, jjtSetFirstToken, jjtSetLastToken, jjtSetParent, jjtSetValue, removeChild, removeToken, setWellFormed, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface io.deephaven.lang.generated.Node
addChild, addChild, addJunk, addScope, addToken, addToken, adopt, append, asRange, contains, containsIndex, containsLines, distanceTo, findToken, getChildren, getEndIndex, getId, getStartIndex, indexOf, insertChild, isAutocompleteTerminal, isChildOf, isWellFormed, jjtAccept, jjtAddChild, jjtClose, jjtGetChild, jjtGetFirstToken, jjtGetLastToken, jjtGetNumChildren, jjtGetParent, jjtInsertChild, jjtOpen, jjtSetFirstToken, jjtSetLastToken, jjtSetParent, maybeDetach, removeChild, rescope, tokens, tokensReversed, toSource