Interface CategoryDataSeries

All Superinterfaces:
DataSeries, Serializable, Series
All Known Subinterfaces:
CategoryDataSeriesInternal, CategoryErrorBarDataSeries, CategoryErrorBarDataSeriesInternal, CategorySwappableTableDataSeriesInternal, CategoryTableDataSeriesInternal, Figure
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCategoryDataSeries, AbstractMapBasedCategoryDataSeries, AbstractSwappableTableBasedCategoryDataSeries, AbstractTableBasedCategoryDataSeries, CategoryDataSeriesMap, CategoryDataSeriesPartitionedTable, CategoryDataSeriesSwappablePartitionedTable, CategoryErrorBarDataSeriesMap, CategoryErrorBarDataSeriesPartitionedTable, CategoryErrorBarDataSeriesSwappablePartitionedTable, CategoryTreemapDataSeriesTableMap, FigureImpl, FigureWidget, ScatterPlotMatrix

public interface CategoryDataSeries extends DataSeries
Dataset with discrete and numeric components. Discrete values must extend Comparable and are called categories.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • group

      CategoryDataSeries group(int group)
      Sets the group for this dataset.
      this data series.
    • linesVisible

      CategoryDataSeries linesVisible(Boolean visible)
      Sets the visibility of the lines for this dataset.
      Specified by:
      linesVisible in interface DataSeries
      visible - whether to display lines or not
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointsVisible

      CategoryDataSeries pointsVisible(Boolean visible)
      Sets the visibility of the point shapes for this dataset.
      Specified by:
      pointsVisible in interface DataSeries
      visible - whether to display point shapes or not
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • gradientVisible

      CategoryDataSeries gradientVisible(boolean gradientVisible)
      Sets the visibility of bar gradients for this dataset.
      Specified by:
      gradientVisible in interface DataSeries
      gradientVisible - whether to display bar gradients or not
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • lineColor

      CategoryDataSeries lineColor(Paint color)
      Sets the default line Paint for this dataset.
      Specified by:
      lineColor in interface DataSeries
      color - color
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • lineColor

      CategoryDataSeries lineColor(int color)
      Sets the default line Paint for this dataset.
      Specified by:
      lineColor in interface DataSeries
      color - index of the color in the series color palette
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • lineColor

      CategoryDataSeries lineColor(String color)
      Sets the default line Paint for this dataset.
      Specified by:
      lineColor in interface DataSeries
      color - color
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • errorBarColor

      CategoryDataSeries errorBarColor(Paint errorBarColor)
      Sets the error bar Paint for this dataset.
      Specified by:
      errorBarColor in interface DataSeries
      errorBarColor - color
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • errorBarColor

      CategoryDataSeries errorBarColor(int errorBarColor)
      Sets the error bar Paint for this dataset.
      Specified by:
      errorBarColor in interface DataSeries
      errorBarColor - index of the color in the series color palette
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • errorBarColor

      CategoryDataSeries errorBarColor(String errorBarColor)
      Sets the error bar Paint for this dataset.
      Specified by:
      errorBarColor in interface DataSeries
      errorBarColor - color
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • lineStyle

      CategoryDataSeries lineStyle(LineStyle lineStyle)
      Sets the LineStyle for this dataset
      Specified by:
      lineStyle in interface DataSeries
      lineStyle - line style
      this dat
    • pointColor

      CategoryDataSeries pointColor(Paint pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      Specified by:
      pointColor in interface DataSeries
      pointColor - default point color
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColor

      CategoryDataSeries pointColor(int pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      Specified by:
      pointColor in interface DataSeries
      pointColor - index of the color in the series color palette to use as the default color
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColor

      CategoryDataSeries pointColor(String pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      Specified by:
      pointColor in interface DataSeries
      pointColor - default point color
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColor

      CategoryDataSeries pointColor(Comparable category, Paint pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      category - data point
      pointColor - color
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColor

      CategoryDataSeries pointColor(Comparable category, int pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      category - data point
      pointColor - index of the color in the series color palette
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColor

      CategoryDataSeries pointColor(Comparable category, String pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      category - data point
      pointColor - color
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColor

      <CATEGORY extends Comparable, COLOR extends Paint> CategoryDataSeries pointColor(Map<CATEGORY,COLOR> pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      Type Parameters:
      CATEGORY - type of the categorical data
      COLOR - type of color for the points
      pointColor - map from data points to their Paints
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColor

      <COLOR extends Paint> CategoryDataSeries pointColor(Function<Comparable,COLOR> pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      Type Parameters:
      COLOR - type of color for the points
      pointColor - function from data points to their Paints
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColor

      default <COLOR extends Paint> CategoryDataSeries pointColor(groovy.lang.Closure<COLOR> pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      Type Parameters:
      COLOR - type of input for the closure
      pointColor - closure from data points to their Paints
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColorInteger

      <CATEGORY extends Comparable, COLOR extends Integer> CategoryDataSeries pointColorInteger(Map<CATEGORY,COLOR> colors)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      Type Parameters:
      CATEGORY - type of the categorical data
      COLOR - type of color for the points
      colors - map from data points to the index of the color palette
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColorInteger

      <COLOR extends Integer> CategoryDataSeries pointColorInteger(Function<Comparable,COLOR> colors)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      Type Parameters:
      COLOR - type of color for the points
      colors - function from data points to the index of the color palette
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColorInteger

      default <COLOR extends Integer> CategoryDataSeries pointColorInteger(groovy.lang.Closure<COLOR> colors)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      Type Parameters:
      COLOR - type of color palette indices
      colors - closure from data points to the index of the color palette
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColor

      CategoryDataSeries pointColor(Table t, String category, String pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      t - table
      category - column in t, specifying category values
      pointColor - column in t, specifying Paints or ints/Integers representing color palette values.
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointColor

      CategoryDataSeries pointColor(SelectableDataSet sds, String category, String pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      category - column in sds, specifying category values
      pointColor - column in sds, specifying Paints or ints/Integers representing color palette values.
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointLabel

      CategoryDataSeries pointLabel(Comparable category, Object pointLabel)
      Sets the point label for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices are unlabeled.
      category - category value
      pointLabel - label
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointLabel

      <CATEGORY extends Comparable, LABEL> CategoryDataSeries pointLabel(Map<CATEGORY,LABEL> pointLabels)
      Sets the point label for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices are unlabeled.
      Type Parameters:
      CATEGORY - type of the categorical data
      LABEL - data type of the point labels
      pointLabels - map used to determine point labels
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointLabel

      <LABEL> CategoryDataSeries pointLabel(Function<Comparable,LABEL> pointLabels)
      Sets the point label for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices are unlabeled.
      Type Parameters:
      LABEL - data type of the point labels
      pointLabels - function used to determine point labels
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointLabel

      default <LABEL> CategoryDataSeries pointLabel(groovy.lang.Closure<LABEL> pointLabels)
      Sets the point label for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices are unlabeled.
      Type Parameters:
      LABEL - data type of the point labels
      pointLabels - closure used to determine point labels for input categories
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointLabel

      CategoryDataSeries pointLabel(Table t, String category, String pointLabel)
      Sets the point label for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices are unlabeled.
      t - table
      category - column in t, specifying category values
      pointLabel - column in t, specifying labels
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointLabel

      CategoryDataSeries pointLabel(SelectableDataSet sds, String category, String pointLabel)
      Sets the point label for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices are unlabeled.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      category - column in sds, specifying category values
      pointLabel - column in sds, specifying labels
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • piePercentLabelFormat

      CategoryDataSeries piePercentLabelFormat(String pieLabelFormat)
      Sets the format of the percentage point label format in pie plots.
      pieLabelFormat - format
      this data series.
    • pointShape

      CategoryDataSeries pointShape(Comparable category, String pointShape)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      category - category value
      pointShape - shape
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointShape

      CategoryDataSeries pointShape(Comparable category, Shape pointShape)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      category - category value
      pointShape - shape
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointShape

      <CATEGORY extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries pointShape(Map<CATEGORY,String> pointShapes)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      Type Parameters:
      CATEGORY - type of the categorical data
      pointShapes - map used to determine point shapes
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointShape

      CategoryDataSeries pointShape(Function<Comparable,String> pointShapes)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      pointShapes - function used to determine point shapes
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointShape

      default CategoryDataSeries pointShape(groovy.lang.Closure<String> pointShapes)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      pointShapes - closure used to determine point shapes
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointShape

      CategoryDataSeries pointShape(Table t, String category, String pointShape)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      t - table
      category - column in t, specifying category values
      pointShape - column in t, specifying shapes
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointShape

      CategoryDataSeries pointShape(SelectableDataSet sds, String category, String pointShape)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      category - column in sds, specifying category values
      pointShape - column in sds, specifying shapes
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      CategoryDataSeries pointSize(Comparable category, int pointSize)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      category - data point
      pointSize - factor to multiply the default size (1) by
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      CategoryDataSeries pointSize(Comparable category, long pointSize)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      category - data point
      pointSize - factor to multiply the default size (1) by
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      CategoryDataSeries pointSize(Comparable category, double pointSize)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      category - data point
      pointSize - factor to multiply the default size (1) by
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      CategoryDataSeries pointSize(Comparable category, Number pointSize)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      category - data point
      pointSize - factor to multiply the default size (1) by
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      <CATEGORY extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries pointSize(CATEGORY[] categories, int[] pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      Type Parameters:
      CATEGORY - type of the categorical data
      categories - data points
      pointSizes - factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      <CATEGORY extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries pointSize(CATEGORY[] categories, double[] pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      Type Parameters:
      CATEGORY - type of the categorical data
      categories - data points
      pointSizes - factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      <CATEGORY extends Comparable> CategoryDataSeries pointSize(CATEGORY[] categories, long[] pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      Type Parameters:
      CATEGORY - type of the categorical data
      categories - data points
      pointSizes - factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      <CATEGORY extends Comparable, NUMBER extends Number> CategoryDataSeries pointSize(CATEGORY[] categories, NUMBER[] pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      Type Parameters:
      CATEGORY - type of the categorical data
      NUMBER - data type of the point sizes
      categories - data points
      pointSizes - factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      <CATEGORY extends Comparable, NUMBER extends Number> CategoryDataSeries pointSize(Map<CATEGORY,NUMBER> pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      Type Parameters:
      CATEGORY - type of the categorical data
      NUMBER - data type of the point sizes
      pointSizes - map used to set sizes of specific data points
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      <NUMBER extends Number> CategoryDataSeries pointSize(Function<Comparable,NUMBER> pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      Type Parameters:
      NUMBER - data type of the point sizes
      pointSizes - function used to set sizes of data points
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      default <NUMBER extends Number> CategoryDataSeries pointSize(groovy.lang.Closure<NUMBER> pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      Type Parameters:
      NUMBER - data type of the point sizes
      pointSizes - closure used to set sizes of data points
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      CategoryDataSeries pointSize(Table t, String category, String pointSize)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      t - table
      category - column in t, specifying category values
      pointSize - column in t, specifying point sizes
      this CategoryDataSeries
    • pointSize

      CategoryDataSeries pointSize(SelectableDataSet sds, String category, String pointSize)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table)
      category - column in sds, specifying category values
      pointSize - column in sds, specifying point sizes
      this CategoryDataSeries