Class SelectableDataSetOneClick

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SelectableDataSetOneClick extends Object implements SelectableDataSet<String,Set<Object>>
A OneClick filtered table. If requireAllFiltersToDisplay is true, data is only displayed once the user has OneClick filtered all byColumns. If requireAllFiltersToDisplay is false, data is displayed when not all oneclicks are selected
  • Constructor Details

    • SelectableDataSetOneClick

      public SelectableDataSetOneClick(PartitionedTable partitionedTable)
      Creates a SelectableDataSetOneClick instance.

      Listens for OneClick events for the specified byColumns and calculates the SwappableTable by filtering the table. The SwappableTable will be null until all byColumns have a corresponding OneClick filter.

      partitionedTable - partitioned table
      RequirementFailure - partitionedTable, table and byColumns must not be null
    • SelectableDataSetOneClick

      public SelectableDataSetOneClick(PartitionedTable partitionedTable, boolean requireAllFiltersToDisplay)
      Creates a SelectableDataSetOneClick instance.

      Listens for OneClick events for the specified byColumns and calculates the SwappableTable by filtering the table. If requireAllFiltersToDisplay is true, the SwappableTable will be null until all byColumns have a corresponding OneClick filter. If requireAllFiltersToDisplay is false, the SwappableTable will be calculated by filtering the table with the OneClicks used.

      partitionedTable - PartitionedTable
      requireAllFiltersToDisplay - false to display data when not all oneclicks are selected; true to only display data when appropriate oneclicks are selected
      RequirementFailure - partitionedTable, table and byColumns must not be null
  • Method Details