Interface SerialTest

public interface SerialTest
A JUnit category for tests that must be run in serial. If your test launches N or more work-heavy threads, you should be using SerialTest, since you'll likely be pegging your cpu. That is, running a thread hog during the parallel test task just causes resource starvation, and large system-wide pauses while contending to get execution time for a completely unrelated thread on the system. The 'testSerial' task created for these tests additionally have .mustRunAfter semantics, whereby, in order of script evaluation, each testSerial.mustRunAfter allOther"testSerial"Tests, as well as .mustRunAfter allOtherTestTasksNotNamed"testSerial"; that is, all testSerial tasks run after all other Test tasks are complete, and then they take turns running one after another (see TestTools.groovy, #addEngineTest) ALL BENCHMARKS OR HEAVY-HITTER TESTS SHOULD USE @Category(SerialTest.class); Until better automation is delivered, you may need to edit your ModName.gradle file and add TestTools.addEngineTest('Serial', false) to have this task created for you. Include: `dependencies { testCompile TestTools.projectDependency(project, 'Util') }` to add SerialTest to your classpath if it is not available. To convert a JUnit 3 base test case (henceforth TestType) to JUnit 4, you must: a) annotate any testMethods() in TestType with @Test (junit 3 selects test methods based on nameStartsWith("test")) b) override the JUnit 3 test case into a new supertype (henceforth: AdapterType) b-1) [Required] Add a public no-op method beginning with text `test` in your AdapterType, so it is a "valid JUnit 3 test" b-2) [Recommended] Add methods with @Before and @After to call setUp() / tearDown() on the AdapterType field c) create a field assigned to an instance of AdapterType (you may want simple instance field, an @Rule instance field, or an @ClassRule static field) c-1) If your AdapterType has setUp/tearDown, and you are not using @Rule or @ClassRule, annotate methods in your TestType: Add @Before/@After in TestType which calls this.adapter.setUp()/tearDown() as appropriate. d) add an appropriate junit runner. If you do not need anything fancy, use: @RunWith(org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.class).