Source code for deephaven.dbc.adbc

# Copyright (c) 2016-2025 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
"""This module supports ingesting data from external databases (relational and other types) into Deephaven via the
Python DB-API 2.0 (PEP 249) and the Apache Arrow Database Connectivity (ADBC) interfaces. (Please refer to for more details on ADBC).

ADBC defines a standard API to fetch data in Arrow format from databases that support Arrow natively as well as
from databases that only support ODBC/JDBC. By relying on ADBC, Deephaven is able to ingest data efficiently from a
wide variety of data sources. """

from deephaven import DHError
from deephaven import arrow as dharrow
from deephaven.table import Table

    import adbc_driver_manager.dbapi
except ImportError:
    raise DHError(message="import ADBC driver manager failed, please install ADBC driver manager and your "
                          "targeted database driver first.")

[docs]def read_cursor(cursor: adbc_driver_manager.dbapi.Cursor) -> Table: """Converts the result set of the provided cursor into a Deephaven table. Args: cursor (adbc_driver_manager.dbapi.Cursor): an ADBC DB-API cursor. Prior to it being passed in, its execute() method must be called to run a query operation that produces an Arrow table Returns: a new Table Raises: DHError, TypeError """ if not isinstance(cursor, adbc_driver_manager.dbapi.Cursor): raise TypeError(f"expect {adbc_driver_manager.dbapi.Cursor} got {type(cursor)} instead.") try: pa_table = cursor.fetch_arrow_table() except Exception as e: raise DHError(e, message="failed to fetch ADBC result as an Arrow table.") from e return dharrow.to_table(pa_table)