Source code for deephaven.experimental.ema

# Copyright (c) 2016-2025 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending

"""This modules allows users to define exponential moving averages that can be used in the Deephaven query language."""
import numpy
import jpy

_JAbstractMAType = jpy.get_type('io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.AbstractMa$Type')
_JAbstractMATMode = jpy.get_type('io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.AbstractMa$Mode')
_JBadDataBehavior = jpy.get_type('io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.ByEma$BadDataBehavior')
_JTimeUnit = jpy.get_type('java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit')
_JByEmaSimple = jpy.get_type('io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.ByEmaSimple')
_JEma = jpy.get_type('io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.Ema')
_JEmaArray = jpy.get_type('io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.EmaArray')
_JExponentiallyDecayedSum = jpy.get_type('io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.ExponentiallyDecayedSum')

def _convertEnumBehavior(value, enumType):
    if value is None or isinstance(value, enumType):
        return value
    elif hasattr(enumType, value):
        return getattr(enumType, value, None)
    return value

[docs]def ByEmaSimple(nullBehavior, nanBehavior, mode, timeScale, timeUnit, type=None): """Constructor for an engine aware Exponential Moving Average (EMA) which performs a `groupBy` ema calculation without the added inefficiency of explicitly performing the grouping and then ungrouping operations. Args: nullBehavior: enum value 'BD_RESET', 'BD_SKIP', 'BD_PROCESS' which determines calculation behavior upon encountering a null value. nanBehavior: enum value 'BD_RESET', 'BD_SKIP', 'BD_PROCESS' which determines calculation behavior upon encountering a null value. mode: enum value 'TICK', 'TIME' specifying whether to calculate the ema with respect to record count or elapsed time. timeScale: the ema decay constant. timeUnit: None (assumed Nanoseconds), or one of the java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit enum values - like 'MILLISECONDS', 'SECONDS', 'MINUTES', 'HOURS', ... type: None or enum value 'LEVEL', 'DIFFERENCE'. Returns: io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.ByEmaSimple instance. """ nullBehavior = _convertEnumBehavior(nullBehavior, _JBadDataBehavior) nanBehavior = _convertEnumBehavior(nanBehavior, _JBadDataBehavior) mode = _convertEnumBehavior(mode, _JAbstractMATMode) timeUnit = _convertEnumBehavior(timeUnit, _JTimeUnit) type = _convertEnumBehavior(type, _JAbstractMAType) if type is None: return _JByEmaSimple(nullBehavior, nanBehavior, mode, timeScale, timeUnit) else: return _JByEmaSimple(nullBehavior, nanBehavior, type, mode, timeScale, timeUnit)
[docs]def Ema(type, mode, timeScale): """Constructor for a Exponential Moving Average (EMA) calculation object. Args: type: None or enum value 'LEVEL', 'DIFFERENCE'. mode: enum value 'TICK', 'TIME' specifying whether to calculate the ema with respect to record count or elapsed time. timeScale: the ema decay constant (wrt nanosecond timestamp). Returns: io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.Ema instance. """ type = _convertEnumBehavior(type, _JAbstractMAType) mode = _convertEnumBehavior(mode, _JAbstractMATMode) return _JEma(type, mode, timeScale)
[docs]def EmaArray(type, mode, timeScales): """Constructor for object managing an array of Exponential Moving Average (EMA) objects. Args: type: enum value 'LEVEL', 'DIFFERENCE'. mode: enum value 'TICK', 'TIME' specifying whether to calculate the ema with respect to record count or elapsed time. timeScales: the ema decay constants (wrt nanosecond timestamp) - list, tuple, numpy.ndarray, or java double array. Returns: io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.EmaArray instance. """ type = _convertEnumBehavior(type, _JAbstractMAType) mode = _convertEnumBehavior(mode, _JAbstractMATMode) if isinstance(timeScales, list) or isinstance(timeScales, tuple) or isinstance(timeScales, numpy.ndarray): timeScales = jpy.array('double', timeScales) return _JEmaArray(type, mode, timeScales)
[docs]def ExponentiallyDecayedSum(decayRate, enableTimestepOutOfOrderException=True): """Constructor for an object to calculate a sum where the values are decayed at an exponential rate to zero. Args: decayRate: (double) rate in milliseconds to decay the sum. enableTimestepOutOfOrderException: (boolean) true to allow an exception to be thrown when timesteps are not sequential. Returns: io.deephaven.numerics.movingaverages.ExponentiallyDecayedSum instance. """ return _JExponentiallyDecayedSum(decayRate, enableTimestepOutOfOrderException)