Source code for deephaven.learn

# Copyright (c) 2016-2025 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending

""" Deephaven's learn module provides utilities for efficient data transfer between Deephaven tables and Python objects,
as well as a framework for using popular machine-learning / deep-learning libraries with Deephaven tables.

from typing import List, Union, Callable, Type

import jpy

from deephaven import DHError
from deephaven.table import Table

_JLearnInput = jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.integrations.learn.Input")
_JLearnOutput = jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.integrations.learn.Output")
_JLearnComputer = jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.integrations.learn.Computer")
_JLearnScatterer = jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.integrations.learn.Scatterer")

[docs]class Input: """ Input specifies how to gather data from a Deephaven table into an object. """ def __init__(self, col_names: Union[str, List[str]], gather_func: Callable): """ Initializes an Input object with the given arguments. Args: col_names (Union[str, List[str]]) : column name or list of column names from which to gather input. gather_func (Callable): function that determines how input gets transformed into an object. """ self.input = _JLearnInput(col_names, gather_func) def __str__(self): """ Returns the Input object as a string containing a printable representation of the Input object.""" return self.input.toString()
[docs]class Output: """ Output specifies how to scatter data from an object into a table column. """ def __init__(self, col_name: str, scatter_func: Callable, col_type: Type): """ Initializes an Output object with the given arguments. Args: col_name (str) : name of the new column that will store results. scatter_func (Callable): function that determines how data is taken from an object and placed into a Deephaven table column. col_type (Type) : desired data type of the new output column, default is None (no explicit type cast). """ self.output = _JLearnOutput(col_name, scatter_func, col_type) def __str__(self): """ Returns the Output object as a string containing a printable representation of the Output object. """ return self.output.toString()
def _validate(inputs: Input, outputs: Output, table: Table): """ Ensures that all input columns exist in the table, and that no output column names already exist in the table. Args: inputs (Input) : list of Inputs to validate. outputs (Output) : list of Outputs to validate. table (Table) : table to check Input and Output columns against. Raises: ValueError : if at least one of the Input columns does not exist in the table. ValueError : if at least one of the Output columns already exists in the table. ValueError : if there are duplicates in the Output column names. """ input_columns_list = [input_.input.getColNames()[i] for input_ in inputs for i in range(len(input_.input.getColNames()))] input_columns = set(input_columns_list) table_columns = set(table.definition.keys()) if table_columns >= input_columns: if outputs is not None: output_columns_list = [output.output.getColName() for output in outputs] output_columns = set(output_columns_list) if len(output_columns_list) != len(output_columns): repeats = set([column for column in output_columns_list if output_columns_list.count(column) > 1]) raise ValueError(f"Cannot assign the same column name {repeats} to multiple columns.") elif table_columns & output_columns: overlap = output_columns & table_columns raise ValueError( f"The columns {overlap} already exist in the table. Please choose Output column names that are " f"not already in the table.") else: difference = input_columns - table_columns raise ValueError(f"Cannot find columns {difference} in the table.") def _create_non_conflicting_col_name(table: Table, base_col_name: str) -> str: """ Creates a column name that is not present in the table. Args: table (Table): table to check column name against. base_col_name (str): base name to create a column from. Returns: column name that is not present in the table. """ table_col_names = set(table.definition.keys()) if base_col_name not in table_col_names: return base_col_name else: i = 0 while base_col_name in table_col_names: base_col_name = base_col_name + str(i) return base_col_name
[docs]def learn(table: Table = None, model_func: Callable = None, inputs: List[Input] = [], outputs: List[Output] = [], batch_size: int = None) -> Table: """ Learn gathers data from multiple rows of the input table, performs a calculation, and scatters values from the calculation into an output table. This is a common computing paradigm for artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. Args: table (Table): the Deephaven table to perform computations on. model_func (Callable): function that performs computations on the table. inputs (List[Input]): list of Input objects that determine how data gets extracted from the table. outputs (List[Output]): list of Output objects that determine how data gets scattered back into the results table. batch_size (int): maximum number of rows for which model_func is evaluated at once. Returns: a Table with added columns containing the results of evaluating model_func. Raises: DHError """ try: _validate(inputs, outputs, table) if batch_size is None: raise ValueError("Batch size cannot be inferred. Please specify a batch size.") __computer = _JLearnComputer(table.j_table, model_func, [input_.input for input_ in inputs], batch_size) future_offset = _create_non_conflicting_col_name(table, "__FutureOffset") clean = _create_non_conflicting_col_name(table, "__CleanComputer") if outputs is not None: __scatterer = _JLearnScatterer([output.output for output in outputs]) return (table .update(formulas=[f"{future_offset} = __computer.compute(k)", ]) .update(formulas=[__scatterer.generateQueryStrings(f"{future_offset}"), ]) .update(formulas=[f"{clean} = __computer.clear()", ]) .drop_columns(cols=[f"{future_offset}", f"{clean}", ])) result = _create_non_conflicting_col_name(table, "__Result") # calling __computer.clear() in a separate update ensures calculations are complete before computer is cleared return (table .update(formulas=[ f"{future_offset} = __computer.compute(k)", f"{result} = {future_offset}.getFuture().get()" ]) .update(formulas=[ f"{clean} = __computer.clear()" ]) .drop_columns(cols=[ f"{future_offset}", f"{clean}", f"{result}", ])) except Exception as e: raise DHError(e, "failed to complete the learn function.") from e