## Copyright (c) 2016-2025 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending#"""This module gives the users a finer degree of control over when to clean up unreferenced nodes in the query updategraph instead of solely relying on garbage collection.Examples: Use the liveness_scope() function to produce a simple liveness scope that will be used only within a `with` expression or as a decorator. .. code-block:: python with liveness_scope() as scope: ticking_table = some_ticking_source() table = ticking_table.snapshot().join(table=other_ticking_table, on=...) scope.preserve(table) return table .. code-block:: python @liveness_scope def get_values(): ticking_table = some_ticking_source().last_by("Sym") return dhnp.to_numpy(ticking_table) Use the LivenessScope type for greater control, allowing a scope to be opened more than once, and to release the resources that it manages when the scope will no longer be used. .. code-block:: python def make_table_and_scope(a: int): scope = LivenessScope() with scope.open(): ticking_table = some_ticking_source().where(f"A={a}") return some_ticking_table, scope t1, s1 = make_table_and_scope(1) # .. wait for a while s1.release() t2, s2 = make_table_and_scope(2) # etc In both cases, the scope object has a few methods that can be used to more directly manage liveness referents: * `scope.preserve(obj)` will preserve the given instance in the next scope outside the specified scope instance * `scope.manange(obj)` will directly manage the given instance in the specified scope. Take care not to double-manage objects when using in conjunction with a `with` block or function decorator. * `scope.unmanage(obj)` will stop managing the given instance. This can be used regardless of how the instance was managed to begin with."""importcontextlibimportjpyfromtypingimportUnion,IteratorfromdeephavenimportDHErrorfromdeephaven._wrapperimportJObjectWrapper_JLivenessScopeStack=jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.engine.liveness.LivenessScopeStack")_JLivenessScope=jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.engine.liveness.LivenessScope")_JLivenessReferent=jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.engine.liveness.LivenessReferent")def_push(scope:_JLivenessScope)->None:_JLivenessScopeStack.push(scope)def_pop(scope:_JLivenessScope)->None:try:_JLivenessScopeStack.pop(scope)exceptExceptionase:raiseDHError(e,message="failed to pop the LivenessScope from the stack.")def_unwrap_to_liveness_referent(referent:Union[JObjectWrapper,jpy.JType])->jpy.JType:ifisinstance(referent,jpy.JType)and_JLivenessReferent.jclass.isInstance(referent):returnreferentifisinstance(referent,JObjectWrapper):return_unwrap_to_liveness_referent(referent.j_object)raiseDHError("Provided referent isn't a LivenessReferent or a JObjectWrapper around one")class_BaseLivenessScope(JObjectWrapper):""" Internal base type for Java LivenessScope types in python. """j_object_type=_JLivenessScopedef__init__(self):self.j_scope=_JLivenessScope()def_release(self)->None:"""Closes the LivenessScope and releases all the query graph resources. Raises: DHError if this instance has been released too many times """try:self.j_scope.release()self.j_scope=NoneexceptExceptionase:raiseDHError(e,message="failed to close the LivenessScope.")defpreserve(self,referent:Union[JObjectWrapper,jpy.JType])->None:"""Preserves a query graph node (usually a Table) to keep it live for the outer scope. Args: referent (Union[JObjectWrapper, jpy.JType]): an object to preserve in the next outer liveness scope Raises: DHError if the object isn't a liveness node, or this instance isn't currently at the stop of the stack """referent=_unwrap_to_liveness_referent(referent)try:# Ensure we are the current scope, throw DHError if we aren't_JLivenessScopeStack.pop(self.j_scope)exceptExceptionase:raiseDHError(e,message="failed to pop the current scope - is preserve() being called on the right scope?")try:# Manage the object in the next outer scope on this thread._JLivenessScopeStack.peek().manage(_unwrap_to_liveness_referent(referent))exceptExceptionase:raiseDHError(e,message="failed to preserve a wrapped object in this LivenessScope.")finally:# Success or failure, restore the scope that was successfully popped_JLivenessScopeStack.push(self.j_scope)defmanage(self,referent:Union[JObjectWrapper,jpy.JType])->None:""" Explicitly manage the given java object in this scope. Must only be passed a Java LivenessReferent, or a Python wrapper around a LivenessReferent Args: referent (Union[JObjectWrapper, jpy.JType]): the object to manage by this scope Returns: None Raises: DHError if the referent isn't a LivenessReferent, or if it is no longer live """referent=_unwrap_to_liveness_referent(referent)try:self.j_scope.manage(referent)exceptExceptionase:raiseDHError(e,message="failed to manage object")defunmanage(self,referent:Union[JObjectWrapper,jpy.JType])->None:""" Explicitly unmanage the given java object from this scope. Must only be passed a Java LivenessReferent, or a Python wrapper around a LivenessReferent Args: referent (Union[JObjectWrapper, jpy.JType]): the object to unmanage from this scope Returns: None Raises: DHError if the referent isn't a LivenessReferent, or if it is no longer live """referent=_unwrap_to_liveness_referent(referent)try:self.j_scope.unmanage(referent)exceptExceptionase:raiseDHError(e,message="failed to unmanage object")@propertydefj_object(self)->jpy.JType:returnself.j_scope
[docs]classSimpleLivenessScope(_BaseLivenessScope):""" A SimpleLivenessScope automatically manages reference counting of tables and other query resources that are created in it. Instances are created through calling `liveness_scope()` in a `with` block or as a function decorator, and will be disposed of automatically. """
[docs]classLivenessScope(_BaseLivenessScope):"""A LivenessScope automatically manages reference counting of tables and other query resources that are created in it. Any created instances must have `release()` called on them to correctly free resources that have been managed. """def__init__(self):super().__init__()
[docs]defrelease(self)->None:"""Closes the LivenessScope and releases all the managed resources. Raises: DHError if this instance has been released too many times """self._release()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanagerdefopen(self)->Iterator[None]:""" Uses this scope for the duration of a `with` block, automatically managing all resources created in the block. Returns: None, to allow changes in the future. """_push(self.j_scope)try:yieldNonefinally:_pop(self.j_scope)
[docs]defis_liveness_referent(referent:Union[JObjectWrapper,jpy.JType])->bool:""" Returns True if the provided object is a LivenessReferent, and so can be managed by a LivenessScope. Args: referent: the object that may be a LivenessReferent Returns: True if the object is a LivenessReferent, False otherwise. """ifisinstance(referent,jpy.JType)and_JLivenessReferent.jclass.isInstance(referent):returnTrueifisinstance(referent,JObjectWrapper):returnis_liveness_referent(referent.j_object)returnFalse
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanagerdefliveness_scope()->Iterator[SimpleLivenessScope]:"""Creates and opens a LivenessScope for running a block of code. Use this function to wrap a block of code using a `with` statement. For the duration of the `with` block, the liveness scope will be open and any liveness referents created will be manged by it automatically. Yields: a SimpleLivenessScope """scope=SimpleLivenessScope()_push(scope.j_scope)try:yieldscopefinally:_pop(scope.j_scope)scope._release()