Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending

""" The kafka module provides the utilities to both consume and produce Kakfa streams. """

from typing import Dict, List

import jpy

from deephaven import DHError
from deephaven.jcompat import j_list_to_list, j_properties

_JKafkaTools = jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.kafka.KafkaTools")

[docs]def topics(kafka_config: Dict) -> List[str]: """Returns a list of topic names available from Kafka. Args: kafka_config (Dict): configuration for the associated Kafka consumer. The content is used to call the constructor of org.apache.kafka.clients.Admin; pass any Admin specific desired configuration here Returns: a list of topic names Raises: DHError """ try: kafka_config = j_properties(kafka_config) jtopics = _JKafkaTools.listTopics(kafka_config) return list(jtopics) except Exception as e: raise DHError(e, "failed to list Kafka topics") from e