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Deephaven’s update_by() table method and suite of uby functions enable cumulative and moving calculations on static and streaming tables. Complex operations like cumulative minima and maxima, exponential moving averages, and rolling standard deviations are all possible and effortless to execute. As always in Deephaven, the results of these calculations will continue to update as their parent tables are updated. Additionally, it’s easy to group data by one or more columns, enabling complex group-wise calculations with a single line of code.

Applying UpdateBy operations to a table

The table method update_by() is the entry point for UpdateBy operations. It takes two arguments: the first is an UpdateByOp or a list of UpdateByOps denoting the calculations to perform on specific columns of the table. Then, it takes a column name or a list of column names that define the groups on which to perform the calculations. If you don’t want grouped calculations, omit this argument.

To learn more about UpdateByOps, see the reference documentation with ?UpdateByOp.

The update_by() method itself does not know anything about the columns on which you want to perform calculations. Rather, the desired columns are passed to individual uby functions, enabling a massive amount of flexibility.

uby functions

uby functions are the workers that actually execute the complex UpdateBy calculations. These functions are generators, meaning they return functions that the Deephaven engine knows how to interpret. We call the functions they return UpdateByOps. See ?UpdateByOp for more information. These UpdateByOps are not R-level functions, but Deephaven-specific data types that perform all of the intensive calculations. Here is a list of all uby functions available in Deephaven:

For more details on each aggregation function, see the reference documentation by running ?uby_cum_min, ?uby_delta, etc.

An Example


# connecting to Deephaven server
client <- Client$new("localhost:10000", auth_type = "psk", auth_token = "my_secret_token")

# create data frame, push to server, retrieve TableHandle
df <- data.frame(
  timeCol = seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct(Sys.Date()), as.POSIXct(Sys.Date() + 0.01), by = "1 sec")[1:500],
  boolCol = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 500, TRUE),
  col1 = sample(10000, size = 500, replace = TRUE),
  col2 = sample(10000, size = 500, replace = TRUE),
  col3 = 1:500
th <- client$import_table(df)

# compute 10-row exponential weighted moving average of col1 and col2, grouped by boolCol
th1 <- th$
  update_by(uby_ema_tick(decay_ticks = 10, cols = c("col1Ema = col1", "col2Ema = col2")), by = "boolCol")

# compute rolling 10-second weighted average and standard deviation of col1 and col2, weighted by col3
th2 <- th$
    uby_rolling_wavg_time(ts_col = "timeCol", wcol = "col3", cols = c("col1WAvg = col1", "col2WAvg = col2"), rev_time = "PT10s"),
    uby_rolling_std_time(ts_col = "timeCol", cols = c("col1Std = col1", "col2Std = col2"), rev_time = "PT10s")

# compute cumulative minimum and maximum of col1 and col2 respectively, and the rolling 20-row sum of col3, grouped by boolCol
th3 <- th$
    uby_cum_min(cols = "col1"),
    uby_cum_max(cols = "col2"),
    uby_rolling_sum_tick(cols = "col3", rev_ticks = 20)
  by = "boolCol"
