Interface ToIntegerCast<T extends Any>

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, SafeCloseable, ToIntFunctor<T>

public interface ToIntegerCast<T extends Any> extends ToIntFunctor<T>
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface io.deephaven.chunk.util.hashing.ToIntFunctor

    ToIntFunctor.Identity<T extends Any>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    IntChunk<? extends T>
    apply(Chunk<? extends T> input)
    Apply this function to the input chunk, returning an output chunk.
    static <T extends Any>
    makeToIntegerCast(ChunkType type, int size, int offset)
    Create an IntFunctor that casts the values in an input chunk to an int.

    Methods inherited from interface io.deephaven.chunk.util.hashing.ToIntFunctor

  • Method Details

    • apply

      IntChunk<? extends T> apply(Chunk<? extends T> input)
      Description copied from interface: ToIntFunctor
      Apply this function to the input chunk, returning an output chunk. The result is owned by this ToIntFunctor.
      Specified by:
      apply in interface ToIntFunctor<T extends Any>
      input - the chunk to transform
      the result IntChunk
    • makeToIntegerCast

      static <T extends Any> ToIntFunctor<T> makeToIntegerCast(ChunkType type, int size, int offset)
      Create an IntFunctor that casts the values in an input chunk to an int. An optional offset is applied to each value after the cast.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the chunk's attribute
      type - the type of chunk, must be an integral primitive type
      size - the size of the largest chunk that can be cast by this functor
      offset - an offset to add to each casted result
      a ToIntFunctor that can be applied to chunks of type in order to produce an IntChunk of values