Class BarrageSnapshotImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
LogOutputAppendable, BarrageSnapshot, LivenessManager, LivenessNode, LivenessReferent

public class BarrageSnapshotImpl extends ReferenceCountedLivenessNode implements BarrageSnapshot
This class is an intermediary helper class that uses a DoExchange to populate a BarrageTable using snapshot data from a remote server.

Users may call entireTable() or partialTable(io.deephaven.engine.rowset.RowSet, java.util.BitSet) to initiate the gRPC call to the server. These methods return a to the user.

  • Method Details

    • entireTable

      public Future<Table> entireTable()
      Description copied from interface: BarrageSnapshot
      Request a full snapshot of the data and populate a Table with the data that is received. The returned future will block until all rows for the snapshot table are available.
      Specified by:
      entireTable in interface BarrageSnapshot
      a Future that will be populated with the result Table
    • partialTable

      public Future<Table> partialTable(RowSet viewport, BitSet columns)
      Description copied from interface: BarrageSnapshot
      Request a partial snapshot of the data limited by viewport or column set and populate a Table with the data that is received. The returned future will block until the snapshot table viewport is satisfied.
      Specified by:
      partialTable in interface BarrageSnapshot
      viewport - the position-space viewport to use for the snapshot
      columns - the columns to include in the snapshot
      a Future that will be populated with the result Table
    • partialTable

      public Future<Table> partialTable(RowSet viewport, BitSet columns, boolean reverseViewport)
      Description copied from interface: BarrageSnapshot
      Request a partial snapshot of the data limited by viewport or column set and populate a Table with the data that is received. Allows the viewport to be reversed. The returned future will block until the snapshot table viewport is satisfied.
      Specified by:
      partialTable in interface BarrageSnapshot
      viewport - the position-space viewport to use for the snapshot
      columns - the columns to include in the snapshot
      reverseViewport - Whether to treat posRowSet as offsets from LongSizedDataStructure.size() rather than 0
      a Future that will be populated with the result Table
    • destroy

      @OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper protected void destroy()
      Description copied from class: ReferenceCountedLivenessReferent
      Attempt to release (destructively when necessary) resources held by this object. This may render the object unusable for subsequent operations. Implementations should be sure to call super.destroy().

      This is intended to only ever be used as a side effect of decreasing the reference count to 0.

      destroy in class ReferenceCountedLivenessReferent
    • append

      public LogOutput append(LogOutput logOutput)
      Specified by:
      append in interface LogOutputAppendable
      append in class ReferenceCounted
    • getClientDoExchangeDescriptor

      public io.grpc.MethodDescriptor<org.apache.arrow.flight.impl.Flight.FlightData,BarrageMessage> getClientDoExchangeDescriptor(BarrageSnapshotOptions options, ChunkType[] columnChunkTypes, Class<?>[] columnTypes, Class<?>[] componentTypes, BarrageMessageReader streamReader)
      Fetch the client side descriptor for a specific table schema.
      options - the set of options that last across the entire life of the subscription
      columnChunkTypes - the chunk types per column
      columnTypes - the class type per column
      componentTypes - the component class type per column
      streamReader - the stream reader - intended to be thread safe and re-usable
      the client side method descriptor