Class ArrowShortColumnSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
ChunkSource<Values>, ChunkSource.WithPrev<Values>, ColumnSource<Short>, ElementSource<Short>, FillContextMaker, GetContextMaker, ColumnSourceGetDefaults.ForShort, DefaultChunkSource<Values>, DefaultChunkSource.WithPrev<Values>, ImmutableColumnSource<Short>, ImmutableColumnSourceGetDefaults.ForShort, Releasable, TupleExporter<Short>, TupleSource<Short>

public class ArrowShortColumnSource extends AbstractArrowColumnSource<Short> implements ImmutableColumnSourceGetDefaults.ForShort
Arrow Vector: SmallIntVector Deephaven Type: short
  • Constructor Details

    • ArrowShortColumnSource

      public ArrowShortColumnSource(int highBit, @NotNull @NotNull org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field field, @NotNull ArrowWrapperTools.ArrowTableContext arrowTableContext)
  • Method Details

    • fillChunk

      public void fillChunk(@NotNull ChunkSource.FillContext context, @NotNull @NotNull WritableChunk<? super Values> destination, @NotNull @NotNull RowSequence rowSequence)
      Description copied from interface: ChunkSource
      Populates the given destination chunk with data corresponding to the keys from the given RowSequence.
      Specified by:
      fillChunk in interface ChunkSource<Values>
      fillChunk in class AbstractColumnSource<Short>
      context - A context containing all mutable/state related data used in retrieving the Chunk.
      destination - The chunk to be populated according to rowSequence. No assumptions shall be made about the size of the chunk shall be made. The chunk will be populated from position [0,rowSequence.size()).
      rowSequence - An RowSequence representing the keys to be fetched
    • getShort

      public final short getShort(long rowKey)
      Description copied from interface: ElementSource
      Get the value at the rowKey as a short. RowKeys that are not present are undefined.
      Specified by:
      getShort in interface ElementSource<Short>
      rowKey - the location in key space to get the value from.
      the short at the rowKey, null values are represented by QueryConstants.NULL_SHORT