Class AbstractColumnSource<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
ChunkSource<Values>, ChunkSource.WithPrev<Values>, ColumnSource<T>, ElementSource<T>, FillContextMaker, GetContextMaker, DefaultChunkSource<Values>, DefaultChunkSource.WithPrev<Values>, Releasable, TupleExporter<T>, TupleSource<T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractArrowColumnSource, AbstractColumnSource.DefaultedImmutable, AbstractColumnSource.DefaultedMutable, AlternatingColumnSource, ArrayBackedColumnSource, BaseAggregateSlicedColumnSource, BitMaskingColumnSource, BitShiftingColumnSource, BooleanAsByteColumnSource, BooleanSparseArraySource.ReinterpretedAsByte, ByteAggregateColumnSource, ByteAsBooleanColumnSource, ByteChunkColumnSource, ByteSsmBackedSource, CharAggregateColumnSource, CharChunkColumnSource, CharSsmBackedSource, CrossJoinRightColumnSource, DelegatingColumnSource, DeltaAwareColumnSource, DoubleAggregateColumnSource, DoubleChunkColumnSource, DoubleNullToZeroColumnSource, DoubleSsmBackedSource, FloatAggregateColumnSource, FloatChunkColumnSource, FloatSsmBackedSource, HashTableColumnSource, Immutable2DByteArraySource, Immutable2DCharArraySource, Immutable2DDoubleArraySource, Immutable2DFloatArraySource, Immutable2DIntArraySource, Immutable2DLongArraySource, Immutable2DNanosBasedTimeArraySource, Immutable2DObjectArraySource, Immutable2DShortArraySource, ImmutableByteArraySource, ImmutableCharArraySource, ImmutableConstantByteSource, ImmutableConstantCharSource, ImmutableConstantDoubleSource, ImmutableConstantFloatSource, ImmutableConstantIntSource, ImmutableConstantLongSource, ImmutableConstantNanosBasedTimeSource, ImmutableConstantObjectSource, ImmutableConstantShortSource, ImmutableDoubleArraySource, ImmutableFloatArraySource, ImmutableIntArraySource, ImmutableLongArraySource, ImmutableNanosBasedTimeArraySource, ImmutableObjectArraySource, ImmutableShortArraySource, InstantSsmSourceWrapper, IntAggregateColumnSource, IntChunkColumnSource, IntSsmBackedSource, LocalDateWrapperSource, LocalTimeWrapperSource, LongAggregateColumnSource, LongAsTimeSource, LongChunkColumnSource, LongSsmBackedSource, MergeSortedHelper.SortedMergeColumnSource, NanosBasedTimeArraySource, NanosBasedTimeSparseArraySource, NullValueColumnSource, ObjectAggregateColumnSource, ObjectChunkColumnSource, ObjectSsmBackedSource, PrevColumnSource, RangeAggregateColumnSource, RedirectedColumnSource, ReversedColumnSource, RowKeyColumnSource, RowPositionColumnSource, RowSetColumnSourceWrapper, ShiftedColumnSource, ShortAggregateColumnSource, ShortChunkColumnSource, ShortSsmBackedSource, SingleValueColumnSource, SingleValueObjectColumnSource, SparseArrayColumnSource, SwitchColumnSource, SymbolTableToUniqueIdSource, UnboxedLongBackedColumnSource, UnboxedLongBackedColumnSource, UnboxedTimeBackedColumnSource, UngroupedColumnSource, UnionColumnSource, ViewColumnSource

public abstract class AbstractColumnSource<T> extends Object implements ColumnSource<T>, DefaultChunkSource.WithPrev<Values>
  • Field Details


      public static boolean USE_PARTIAL_TABLE_DATA_INDEX
      For a match(boolean, boolean, boolean, DataIndex, RowSet, Object...) call that uses a DataIndex, by default we do not force the entire DataIndex to be loaded into memory. This is because many MatchFilters are highly selective and only need to instantiate a single RowSet value rather than the complete DataIndex for the entire table. When the Configuration property "AbstractColumnSource.usePartialDataIndex" is set to false, the query engine materializes the entire DataIndex table for the match call.

      public static boolean USE_PARALLEL_ROWSET_BUILD
      After generating a DataIndex table and identifying which row keys are responsive to the filter, the result RowSet can be built in serial or in parallel. By default, the index is built in parallel which may take advantage of using more threads for I/O of the index data structure. Parallel builds do require more setup and thread synchronization, so they can be disabled by setting the Configuration property "AbstractColumnSource.useParallelIndexBuild" to false.

      public static final long USE_RANGES_AVERAGE_RUN_LENGTH
      Minimum average run length in an RowSequence that should trigger Chunk-filling by key ranges instead of individual keys.
      See Also:
    • type

      protected final Class<T> type
    • componentType

      protected final Class<?> componentType
    • updateGraph

      protected final UpdateGraph updateGraph
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractColumnSource

      protected AbstractColumnSource(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> type)
    • AbstractColumnSource

      public AbstractColumnSource(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> type, @Nullable @Nullable Class<?> elementType)
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public Class<T> getType()
      Specified by:
      getType in interface ColumnSource<T>
    • getComponentType

      public Class<?> getComponentType()
      Specified by:
      getComponentType in interface ColumnSource<T>
    • getPrevSource

      public ColumnSource<T> getPrevSource()
      Specified by:
      getPrevSource in interface ChunkSource.WithPrev<T>
      Specified by:
      getPrevSource in interface ColumnSource<T>
      Specified by:
      getPrevSource in interface DefaultChunkSource.WithPrev<T>
      a chunk source which accesses the previous values.
    • match

      public WritableRowSet match(boolean invertMatch, boolean usePrev, boolean caseInsensitive, @Nullable @Nullable DataIndex dataIndex, @NotNull @NotNull RowSet rowsetToFilter, Object... keys)
      Description copied from interface: ColumnSource
      Return a row set where the values in the column source match the given keys.
      Specified by:
      match in interface ColumnSource<T>
      invertMatch - Whether to invert the match, i.e. return the rows where the values do not match the given keys
      usePrev - Whether to use the previous values for the ColumnSource
      caseInsensitive - Whether to perform a case insensitive match
      dataIndex - An optional data index that can be used to accelerate the match (the index table must be included in snapshot controls or otherwise guaranteed to be current)
      rowsetToFilter - Restrict results to this row set
      keys - The keys to match in the column
      The rows that match the given keys
    • fillChunk

      public void fillChunk(@NotNull @NotNull ChunkSource.FillContext context, @NotNull @NotNull WritableChunk<? super Values> destination, @NotNull @NotNull RowSequence rowSequence)
      Description copied from interface: ChunkSource
      Populates the given destination chunk with data corresponding to the keys from the given RowSequence.
      Specified by:
      fillChunk in interface ChunkSource<T>
      context - A context containing all mutable/state related data used in retrieving the Chunk.
      destination - The chunk to be populated according to rowSequence. No assumptions shall be made about the size of the chunk shall be made. The chunk will be populated from position [0,rowSequence.size()).
      rowSequence - An RowSequence representing the keys to be fetched
    • defaultFillChunk

      @VisibleForTesting public final void defaultFillChunk(@NotNull @NotNull ChunkSource.FillContext context, @NotNull @NotNull WritableChunk<? super Values> destination, @NotNull @NotNull RowSequence rowSequence)
    • fillPrevChunk

      public void fillPrevChunk(@NotNull @NotNull ChunkSource.FillContext context, @NotNull @NotNull WritableChunk<? super Values> destination, @NotNull @NotNull RowSequence rowSequence)
      Description copied from interface: ChunkSource.WithPrev
      Populates the given destination chunk with data corresponding to the keys from the given RowSequence.
      Specified by:
      fillPrevChunk in interface ChunkSource.WithPrev<T>
      context - A context containing all mutable/state related data used in retrieving the Chunk.
      destination - The chunk to be populated according to rowSequence. No assumptions shall be made about the size of the chunk shall be made. The chunk will be populated from position [0,rowSequence.size()).
      rowSequence - An RowSequence representing the keys to be fetched
    • defaultFillPrevChunk

      protected final void defaultFillPrevChunk(@NotNull @NotNull ChunkSource.FillContext context, @NotNull @NotNull WritableChunk<? super Values> destination, @NotNull @NotNull RowSequence rowSequence)
    • allowsReinterpret

      public <ALTERNATE_DATA_TYPE> boolean allowsReinterpret(@NotNull @NotNull Class<ALTERNATE_DATA_TYPE> alternateDataType)
      Description copied from interface: ColumnSource
      Test if a reinterpret call will succeed.
      Specified by:
      allowsReinterpret in interface ColumnSource<T>
      alternateDataType - The alternative type to consider
      If a reinterpret on this column source with the supplied alternateDataType will succeed.
    • reinterpret

      public final <ALTERNATE_DATA_TYPE> ColumnSource<ALTERNATE_DATA_TYPE> reinterpret(@NotNull @NotNull Class<ALTERNATE_DATA_TYPE> alternateDataType) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: ColumnSource
      Provide an alternative view into the data underlying this column source.
      Specified by:
      reinterpret in interface ColumnSource<T>
      alternateDataType - The alternative type to expose
      A column source of the alternate data type, backed by the same underlying data.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the alternativeDataType supplied is not supported
    • doReinterpret

      protected <ALTERNATE_DATA_TYPE> ColumnSource<ALTERNATE_DATA_TYPE> doReinterpret(@NotNull @NotNull Class<ALTERNATE_DATA_TYPE> alternateDataType)
      Supply allowed reinterpret results. The default implementation handles the most common case to avoid code duplication.
      alternateDataType - The alternate data type
      The resulting ColumnSource