Class ParquetFileReader


public class ParquetFileReader extends Object
Top level accessor for a parquet file which can read both from a file path string or a CLI style file URI, ex."s3://bucket/key".
  • Field Details


      public static final String FILE_URI_SCHEME
      See Also:
    • fileMetaData

      public final org.apache.parquet.format.FileMetaData fileMetaData
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getChannelsProvider

      public SeekableChannelsProvider getChannelsProvider()
      The SeekableChannelsProvider used for this reader, appropriate to use for related file access
    • getColumnsWithDictionaryUsedOnEveryDataPage

      public Set<String> getColumnsWithDictionaryUsedOnEveryDataPage()
      Get the name of all columns that we can know for certain (a) have a dictionary, and (b) use the dictionary on all data pages.
      A set of parquet column names that satisfies the required condition.
    • getRowGroup

      public RowGroupReader getRowGroup(int groupNumber, String version)
      Create a RowGroupReader object for provided row group number
      version - The "version" string from deephaven specific parquet metadata, or null if it's not present.
    • getSchema

      public org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType getSchema()
    • rowGroupCount

      public int rowGroupCount()