Class ParquetTableLocation

All Implemented Interfaces:
LogOutputAppendable, DelegatingLivenessReferent, LivenessReferent, TableLocation, TableLocationState, NamedImplementation

public class ParquetTableLocation extends AbstractTableLocation
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getImplementationName

      public String getImplementationName()
      Description copied from interface: NamedImplementation

      Get a name for the implementing class. Useful for abstract classes that implement LogOutputAppendable or override toString.

      The default implementation is correct, but not suitable for high-frequency usage.

      A name for the implementing class
    • refresh

      public void refresh()
      Description copied from interface: TableLocation
      Initialize or run state information.
    • getColumnTypes

      public Map<String,ColumnTypeInfo> getColumnTypes()
    • getSortedColumns

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<SortColumn> getSortedColumns()
      Description copied from interface: TableLocation
      Get an ordered list of columns this location is sorted by.
      A non-null ordered list of SortColumns
    • makeColumnLocation

      @NotNull protected @NotNull ColumnLocation makeColumnLocation(@NotNull @NotNull String columnName)
      Specified by:
      makeColumnLocation in class AbstractTableLocation
    • getDataIndexColumns

      @NotNull public @NotNull List<String[]> getDataIndexColumns()
      Description copied from interface: TableLocation
      Get a list of the columns by which this location is indexed
      A non-null list of String[] arrays containing the key column names for each existing index
    • hasDataIndex

      public boolean hasDataIndex(@NotNull @NotNull String... columns)
      Description copied from interface: TableLocation
      Check if this TableLocation has a data index for the specified columns.
      columns - The set of columns to check for
      Whether the TableLocation has an index for the specified columns
    • loadDataIndex

      @Nullable public @Nullable BasicDataIndex loadDataIndex(@NotNull @NotNull String... columns)
      Description copied from class: AbstractTableLocation
      Load the data index from the location implementation. Implementations of this method should not perform any result caching.
      Specified by:
      loadDataIndex in class AbstractTableLocation
      columns - The columns to load an index for
      The data index, or null if none exists