Interface XYDataSeries

All Superinterfaces:
DataSeries, Serializable, Series
All Known Subinterfaces:
Figure, IntervalXYDataSeries, IntervalXYDataSeriesInternal, OHLCDataSeries, OHLCDataSeriesInternal, XYDataSeriesFunction, XYDataSeriesFunctionInternal, XYDataSeriesInternal, XYErrorBarDataSeries, XYErrorBarDataSeriesInternal
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractXYDataSeries, FigureImpl, FigureWidget, IntervalXYDataSeriesArray, OHLCDataSeriesArray, OHLCDataSeriesSwappableTableArray, OHLCDataSeriesTableArray, ScatterPlotMatrix, XYDataSeriesArray, XYDataSeriesFunctionImpl, XYDataSeriesSwappableTableArray, XYDataSeriesTableArray, XYErrorBarDataSeriesArray, XYErrorBarDataSeriesSwappableTableArray, XYErrorBarDataSeriesTableArray

public interface XYDataSeries extends DataSeries
DataSeries with two numerical components, x and y. Data points are numbered and are accessed with an index.
  • Method Details

    • pointSize

      XYDataSeries pointSize(IndexableData<Double> pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      pointSizes - factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointSize

      XYDataSeries pointSize(int... pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      pointSizes - factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointSize

      XYDataSeries pointSize(long... pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      pointSizes - factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointSize

      XYDataSeries pointSize(double... pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      pointSizes - factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointSize

      <T extends Number> XYDataSeries pointSize(T[] pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      Type Parameters:
      T - data type of the factors
      pointSizes - factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointSize

      XYDataSeries pointSize(Table t, String pointSizes)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      t - table containing factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      pointSizes - column in t containing size scaling factors. The size data for point i comes from row i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointSize

      XYDataSeries pointSize(SelectableDataSet sds, String pointSize)
      Sets the point size. A scale factor of 1 is the default size. A scale factor of 2 is 2x the default size. Unspecified points use the default size.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table) containing factors to multiply the default size (1) by
      pointSize - column in sds containing size scaling factors. The size data for point i comes from row i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointColor

      <T extends Paint> XYDataSeries pointColor(IndexableData<T> pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      Type Parameters:
      T - data type of the colors
      pointColor - colors. The color for data point i comes from index i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointColor

      XYDataSeries pointColor(Paint... pointColor)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      pointColor - colors. The color for data point i comes from index i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointColorInteger

      XYDataSeries pointColorInteger(IndexableData<Integer> colors)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      colors - colors. The color for data point i comes from index i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointColor

      XYDataSeries pointColor(int... pointColors)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      pointColors - color palette indices. The color for data point i comes from index i. A value of 3 corresponds to the 3rd color from the color pallette.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointColor

      XYDataSeries pointColor(Integer... pointColors)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      pointColors - color palette indices. The color for data point i comes from index i. A value of 3 corresponds to the 3rd color from the color pallette.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointColor

      XYDataSeries pointColor(String... pointColors)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      pointColors - color names. The color for data point i comes from index i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointColor

      XYDataSeries pointColor(Table t, String pointColors)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      t - table containing colors
      pointColors - column in t containing colors. The color data for point i comes from row i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointColor

      XYDataSeries pointColor(SelectableDataSet sds, String pointColors)
      Sets the point color. Unspecified points use the default color.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table) containing colors
      pointColors - column in sds containing colors. The color data for point i comes from row i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointLabel

      XYDataSeries pointLabel(IndexableData<?> pointLabels)
      Sets the point label for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices are unlabeled.
      pointLabels - labels
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointLabel

      XYDataSeries pointLabel(Object... pointLabels)
      Sets the point label for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices are unlabeled.
      pointLabels - labels
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointLabel

      XYDataSeries pointLabel(Table t, String pointLabel)
      Sets the point label for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices are unlabeled.
      t - table containing labels
      pointLabel - column in t containing labels. The label data for point i comes from row i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointLabel

      XYDataSeries pointLabel(SelectableDataSet sds, String pointLabel)
      Sets the point label for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices are unlabeled.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table) containing labels
      pointLabel - column in sds containing labels. The color data for point i comes from row i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointShape

      XYDataSeries pointShape(IndexableData<String> pointShapes)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      pointShapes - shapes
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointShape

      XYDataSeries pointShape(String... pointShapes)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      pointShapes - shapes
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointShape

      XYDataSeries pointShape(Shape... pointShapes)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      pointShapes - shapes
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointShape

      XYDataSeries pointShape(Table t, String pointShape)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      t - table containing shapes
      pointShape - column in t containing shapes. The shape data for point i comes from row i.
      this XYDataSeries
    • pointShape

      XYDataSeries pointShape(SelectableDataSet sds, String pointShape)
      Sets the point shapes for data point i from index i of the input labels. Points outside of these indices use default shapes.
      sds - selectable data set (e.g. OneClick filterable table) containing shapes
      pointShape - column in sds containing shapes. The color data for point i comes from row i.
      this XYDataSeries