Interface StreamRequestOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
StreamRequest, StreamRequest.Builder

public interface StreamRequestOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Indicates that this is the first request of the stream, asking to connect to a specific object on the server.
    Indicates that this is the first request of the stream, asking to connect to a specific object on the server.
    Data to pass to the object on the server.
    Data to pass to the object on the server.
    Indicates that this is the first request of the stream, asking to connect to a specific object on the server.
    Data to pass to the object on the server.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • hasConnect

      boolean hasConnect()
       Indicates that this is the first request of the stream, asking to connect to
       a specific object on the server.
      .io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ConnectRequest connect = 1;
      Whether the connect field is set.
    • getConnect

      ConnectRequest getConnect()
       Indicates that this is the first request of the stream, asking to connect to
       a specific object on the server.
      .io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ConnectRequest connect = 1;
      The connect.
    • getConnectOrBuilder

      ConnectRequestOrBuilder getConnectOrBuilder()
       Indicates that this is the first request of the stream, asking to connect to
       a specific object on the server.
      .io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ConnectRequest connect = 1;
    • hasData

      boolean hasData()
       Data to pass to the object on the server.
      .io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ClientData data = 2;
      Whether the data field is set.
    • getData

      ClientData getData()
       Data to pass to the object on the server.
      .io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ClientData data = 2;
      The data.
    • getDataOrBuilder

      ClientDataOrBuilder getDataOrBuilder()
       Data to pass to the object on the server.
      .io.deephaven.proto.backplane.grpc.ClientData data = 2;
    • getMessageCase

      StreamRequest.MessageCase getMessageCase()