Package io.deephaven.util.datastructures
package io.deephaven.util.datastructures
ClassDescriptionImplementation of
backed by anArrayList
(when not concurrent) or aCopyOnWriteArrayList
(when concurrent).CachingSupplier<OUTPUT_TYPE>Supplier
wrapper that caches the result.Intrusive doubly-linked list implementation ofWeakReferenceManager
.Note this is similar to java.util.function.LongPredicate; we don't use that since it could create confusion as for intended semantics for use.Common interface for Deephaven data structures with a long (64-bit signed integer) size.A deque, which also supports get() to an arbitrary index.ReleaseTracker<RESOURCE_TYPE>Instrumentation tool for detecting missing resource releases.ReleaseTracker.StrictReleaseTracker<RESOURCE_TYPE>ReleaseTracker.WeakReleaseTracker<RESOURCE_TYPE>SegmentedSoftPool<ELEMENT_TYPE>Re-usable data structure for a segmented stack of pooled elements which tries to strike a balance between GC-sensitivity and element reuse.SimpleReferenceManager<T,R extends SimpleReference<T>> A helper for managing a list of References.Unchecked exception thrown when operations are invoked (directly or indirectly) that cannot be completed correctly due to size constraints on the underlying data structures.SoftCachingFunction<INPUT_TYPE,OUTPUT_TYPE> Function
wrapper that caches the result in aSoftReference
wrapper that caches the result in aSoftReference
.This is a simple utility class that wraps a map, and presents it as an IndexableMap.SubscriptionSet<LISTENER_TYPE>Array-backed set that stores generic listener objects, only enforcing hard reachability on listeners that are SubstitutionWeakReferences.WeakIdentityHashSet<TYPE>An open-addressed identity hash set that only maintains weak references to its members.Thread-safe implementation.A helper for managing a list of weakly-reachable items.