Class SegmentedSoftPool<ELEMENT_TYPE>


public class SegmentedSoftPool<ELEMENT_TYPE> extends Object

Re-usable data structure for a segmented stack of pooled elements which tries to strike a balance between GC-sensitivity and element reuse.

The pool is safe for multi-threaded use, but not highly-concurrent.

  • Constructor Details

    • SegmentedSoftPool

      public SegmentedSoftPool(int segmentCapacity, @Nullable @Nullable Supplier<ELEMENT_TYPE> creationProcedure, @Nullable @Nullable Consumer<ELEMENT_TYPE> cleanupProcedure)
      Create a new pool with the supplied creation and cleanup procedures.
      segmentCapacity - The capacity of each segment of this pool. This is the unit of cleanup for the garbage collector.
      creationProcedure - Creation procedure for new elements. If null, all elements must supplied via give(java.lang.Object).
      cleanupProcedure - Cleanup procedure for returned elements. If null, no cleanup will be performed in give(java.lang.Object).
  • Method Details

    • take

      public final ELEMENT_TYPE take()
      Take an element from the pool, or make a new one if the pool is exhausted and a creation procedure was supplied at pool construction time. The element belongs to the caller, and the caller may keep it rather than return it to the pool if desired.
      An element from the pool, possibly newly-constructed
    • give

      public final void give(@NotNull ELEMENT_TYPE element)
      Give an element to the pool. Neither the caller nor any other thread may interact with the element again until it has been returned by a subsequent call to take(). The element will be cleaned if a cleanup procedure was provided at pool construction time.
      element - The element to give to the pool