Other Deephaven Types

A variety of other types that appear in the system.

Types used for sorting tables

class SortPair

A tuple (not a “pair”, despite the name) representing a column to sort, the SortDirection, and whether the Sort should consider the value’s regular or absolute value when doing comparisons.

Public Functions

inline SortPair(std::string column, SortDirection direction, bool abs = false)


inline SortPair(std::string column, bool abs = false)


inline std::string &Column()

Get the column name


The column name

inline const std::string &Column() const

Get the column name


The column name

inline SortDirection Direction() const

Get the SortDirection


The SortDirection

inline bool Abs() const

Get the “Sort by absolute value” flag


Public Static Functions

static inline SortPair Ascending(std::string column, bool abs = false)

Create a SortPair with direction set to ascending.

  • column – The name of the column to sort.

  • abs – If true, the data should be sorted by absolute value.


The SortPair tuple.

static inline SortPair Descending(std::string column, bool abs = false)

Create a SortPair with direction set to descending.

  • column – The name of the column to sort.

  • abs – If true, the data should be sorted by absolute value.


The SortPair tuple.

enum class deephaven::client::SortDirection

Describes a sort direction


enumerator kAscending
enumerator kDescending

Types used for manipulating dates/times

class DateTime

The Deephaven DateTime type. Records nanoseconds relative to the epoch (January 1, 1970) UTC. Times before the epoch can be represented with negative nanosecond values.

Public Functions

DateTime() = default

Default constructor. Sets the DateTime equal to the epoch.

inline explicit DateTime(int64_t nanos)

Sets the DateTime to the specified number of nanoseconds relative to the epoch.


nanos – Nanoseconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970 UTC).

DateTime(int year, int month, int day)

Sets the DateTime to the specified date, with a time component of zero.

  • year – Year.

  • month – Month.

  • day – Day.

DateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)

Sets the DateTime to the specified date and time, with a fractional second component of zero.

  • year – Year.

  • month – Month.

  • day – Day.

  • hour – Hour.

  • minute – Minute.

  • second – Second.

DateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int64_t nanos)

Sets the DateTime to the specified date and time, including fractional seconds expressed in nanos.

  • year – Year.

  • month – Month.

  • day – Day.

  • hour – Hour.

  • minute – Minute.

  • second – Second.

  • nanos – Nanoseconds.

inline int64_t Nanos() const

The DateTime as expressed in nanoseconds since the epoch. Can be negative.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr bool IsBlittableToInt64()

This method exists to document and enforce an assumption in Cython, namely that this class has the same representation as an int64_t. This constexpr method always returns true (or fails to compile).

static inline DateTime FromNanos(int64_t nanos)

Converts nanoseconds-since-UTC-epoch to DateTime. The Deephaven null value sentinel is turned into DateTime(0).


nanos – Nanoseconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970 UTC).


The corresponding DateTime.

static DateTime Parse(std::string_view iso_8601_timestamp)

Parses a string in ISO 8601 format into a DateTime.


iso_8601_timestamp – The timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.


The corresponding DateTime.