Row Sequences


A RowSequence is an abstract class representing a monotonically-increasing sequence of row numbers that can be used to reference elements in a ClientTable or ColumnSource.

It is used as a parameter to methods like Stream and fillChunk.

The row numbers inside a RowSequence are uint64_t values. The coordinate space used (whether key space or position space) is not specified, and is implied by context. However, as of this writing, all of the public methods in the C++ client that take RowSequence arguments assume they are in position space.

RowSequence objects are immutable. They can be sliced via the Take and Drop methods, which return new RowSequence shared_ptrs.

You can interrogate their size via size or empty. You can iterate over them with forEachInterval or by obtaining a RowSequenceIterator via getRowSequenceIterator


class RowSequence

Represets a monotonically increasing sequence of row numbers. The coordinate space of those row numbers (key space vs index space) is unspecified here.

Public Functions

virtual ~RowSequence()


RowSequenceIterator GetRowSequenceIterator() const

Create a RowSequenceIterator.

virtual std::shared_ptr<RowSequence> Take(size_t size) const = 0

Return a RowSequence consisting of the first ‘Size’ elements of this RowSequence. If Size >= this->Size(), the method may return this RowSequence.

virtual std::shared_ptr<RowSequence> Drop(size_t size) const = 0

Return a RowSequence consisting of the remaining elements of this RowSequence after dropping ‘size’ elements. If Size >= this->Size(), returns the empty RowSequence.

virtual void ForEachInterval(const std::function<void(uint64_t begin_key, uint64_t end_key)> &callback) const = 0

Iterates over the RowSequence and invokes the callback on each of the contiguous intervals that it contains. The intervals passed to the callback will be represented as half-open intervals [begin, end).

virtual size_t Size() const = 0

The number of elements in this RowSequence.

inline bool Empty() const

Whether this RowSquence is empty (i.e. whether Size() == 0).

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<RowSequence> CreateEmpty()

Create an empty RowSequence.

static std::shared_ptr<RowSequence> CreateSequential(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end)

Create a dense RowSequence providing values from the half open interval [begin, end).


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const RowSequence &o)

Print this RowSequence to a std::ostream.

class RowSequenceBuilder

Builder class for RowSequence.

Public Functions





void AddInterval(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end)

Adds the half-open interval [begin, end) to the RowSequence. The added interval need not be disjoint.

inline void Add(uint64_t key)

Adds ‘key’ to the RowSequence. If the key is already present, does nothing.

std::shared_ptr<RowSequence> Build()

Builds the RowSequence.

class RowSequenceIterator

An iterator for RowSequence objects. This is not a standard C++ style iterator but rather a more heavyweight object that supports forward iteration one step at a time.

Public Functions

explicit RowSequenceIterator(std::shared_ptr<RowSequence> row_sequence)

Constructor. Used internally.

RowSequenceIterator(RowSequenceIterator &&other) noexcept

Move constructor.



bool TryGetNext(uint64_t *result)

Get the next value in the iteration.


result – A pointer to caller-managed storage to store the next value.


True if the next value was stored in *result. False if there are no more values.