Interface WritableColumnSource<T>

All Superinterfaces:
ChunkSink<Values>, ChunkSource<Values>, ChunkSource.WithPrev<Values>, ColumnSource<T>, ElementSource<T>, FillContextMaker, GetContextMaker, Releasable, TupleExporter<T>, TupleSource<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayBackedColumnSource, BooleanArraySource, BooleanSingleValueSource, BooleanSparseArraySource, BooleanSparseArraySource.ReinterpretedAsByte, ByteArraySource, ByteSingleValueSource, ByteSparseArraySource, CharacterArraySource, CharacterSingleValueSource, CharacterSparseArraySource, DeltaAwareColumnSource, DoubleArraySource, DoubleSingleValueSource, DoubleSparseArraySource, FloatArraySource, FloatSingleValueSource, FloatSparseArraySource, Immutable2DByteArraySource, Immutable2DCharArraySource, Immutable2DDoubleArraySource, Immutable2DFloatArraySource, Immutable2DInstantArraySource, Immutable2DIntArraySource, Immutable2DLongArraySource, Immutable2DNanosBasedTimeArraySource, Immutable2DObjectArraySource, Immutable2DShortArraySource, Immutable2DZonedDateTimeArraySource, ImmutableByteArraySource, ImmutableCharArraySource, ImmutableDoubleArraySource, ImmutableFloatArraySource, ImmutableInstantArraySource, ImmutableIntArraySource, ImmutableLongArraySource, ImmutableNanosBasedTimeArraySource, ImmutableObjectArraySource, ImmutableShortArraySource, ImmutableZonedDateTimeArraySource, InstantArraySource, InstantSparseArraySource, IntegerArraySource, IntegerSingleValueSource, IntegerSparseArraySource, LongArraySource, LongSingleValueSource, LongSparseArraySource, NanosBasedTimeArraySource, NanosBasedTimeSparseArraySource, NullValueColumnSource, ObjectArraySource, ObjectSingleValueSource, ObjectSparseArraySource, ShortArraySource, ShortSingleValueSource, ShortSparseArraySource, SingleValueColumnSource, SparseArrayColumnSource, WritableByteAsBooleanColumnSource, WritableRedirectedColumnSource, ZonedDateTimeArraySource, ZonedDateTimeSparseArraySource

public interface WritableColumnSource<T> extends ColumnSource<T>, ChunkSink<Values>
  • Method Details

    • set

      default void set(long key, T value)
    • set

      default void set(long key, byte value)
    • set

      default void set(long key, char value)
    • set

      default void set(long key, double value)
    • set

      default void set(long key, float value)
    • set

      default void set(long key, int value)
    • set

      default void set(long key, long value)
    • set

      default void set(long key, short value)
    • setNull

      void setNull(long key)
    • setNull

      default void setNull(RowSequence orderedKeys)
    • ensureCapacity

      @FinalDefault default void ensureCapacity(long capacity)
      Equivalent to ensureCapacity(capacity, true).
    • ensureCapacity

      void ensureCapacity(long capacity, boolean nullFilled)
      Ensure that this WritableColumnSource can accept row keys in range [0, capacity).
      capacity - The new minimum capacity
      nullFilled - Whether data should be "null-filled". If true, get operations at row keys that have not been set will return the appropriate null value; otherwise such gets produce undefined results.
    • makeFillFromContext

      default ChunkSink.FillFromContext makeFillFromContext(int chunkCapacity)
      Specified by:
      makeFillFromContext in interface ChunkSink<T>
    • fillFromChunk

      default void fillFromChunk(@NotNull @NotNull ChunkSink.FillFromContext context, @NotNull @NotNull Chunk<? extends Values> src, @NotNull @NotNull RowSequence rowSequence)
      Our default, inefficient, implementation. Inheritors who care should provide a better implementation.
      Specified by:
      fillFromChunk in interface ChunkSink<T>
      context - A context containing all mutable/state related data used in writing the Chunk.
      src - The source of the data rowSequence
      rowSequence - An RowSequence representing the keys to be written
    • fillFromChunkUnordered

      default void fillFromChunkUnordered(@NotNull @NotNull ChunkSink.FillFromContext context, @NotNull @NotNull Chunk<? extends Values> src, @NotNull @NotNull LongChunk<RowKeys> keys)
      Description copied from interface: ChunkSink
      Fills the ChunkSink with data from the source, with data corresponding to the keys from the given key chunk.
      Specified by:
      fillFromChunkUnordered in interface ChunkSink<T>
      context - A context containing all mutable/state related data used in writing the Chunk.
      src - The source of the data RowSequence
      keys - A LongChunk representing the keys to be written