Class FloatDupExpandKernel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FloatDupExpandKernel extends Object implements DupExpandKernel
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • expandDuplicates

      public void expandDuplicates(int expandedSize, WritableChunk<? extends Any> chunkToExpand, IntChunk<ChunkLengths> keyRunLengths)
      Description copied from interface: DupExpandKernel
      Expands entries values from chunkToExpand in-place, using keyRunLengths to determine how many copies. The keyRunLengths chunk is parallel to the original chunkToExpand; it is never modified.
      Specified by:
      expandDuplicates in interface DupExpandKernel
      expandedSize - the sum of all entries in keyRunLengths
      chunkToExpand - the values to expand in-place (this writable chunk must have capacity >= expandedSize)
      keyRunLengths - the key run-lengths parallel to chunkToExpand
    • expandDuplicates

      public static void expandDuplicates(int expandedSize, WritableFloatChunk<? extends Any> chunkToExpand, IntChunk<ChunkLengths> keyRunLengths)