Interface TableLocationKey

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<TableLocationKey>, LogOutputAppendable, NamedImplementation
All Known Subinterfaces:
IcebergTableLocationKey, ImmutableTableLocationKey
All Known Implementing Classes:
FileTableLocationKey, IcebergTableParquetLocationKey, ParquetTableLocationKey, PartitionedTableLocationKey, PythonTableDataService.TableLocationKeyImpl, StandaloneTableLocationKey, URITableLocationKey

public interface TableLocationKey extends Comparable<TableLocationKey>, NamedImplementation, LogOutputAppendable

Interface for opaque table location keys for use in TableLocationProvider implementations. Note that implementations are generally only comparable to other implementations intended for use in the same provider and discovery framework.

This interface also provides a mechanism for communicating partition information from a discovery framework to the table engine. A partition of a table represents some sub-range of the overall available data, but can always be thought of as a table in its own right. By representing partition membership as an ordered set of key-value pairs with mutually-comparable values, we make it possible to:

  1. Totally order the set of partitions belonging to a table, and thus all rows of the table
  2. Refer to partitions via columns of the data, allowing vast savings in filtering efficiency for filters that only need evaluate one or more partitioning columns

Generally, only PartitionAwareSourceTable and SourcePartitionedTable are properly partition-aware.

  • Method Details

    • getPartitionValue

      <PARTITION_VALUE_TYPE extends Comparable<PARTITION_VALUE_TYPE>> PARTITION_VALUE_TYPE getPartitionValue(@NotNull @NotNull String partitionKey)
      Lookup the value of one of the table partitions enclosing the location keyed by this.
      Type Parameters:
      PARTITION_VALUE_TYPE - The expected type of the partition value
      partitionKey - The name of the partition
      The partition value
      UnknownPartitionKeyException - If the partition cannot be found
    • getPartitionKeys

      Set<String> getPartitionKeys()
      Get the set of available partition keys.
      The set of available partition keys
    • makeImmutable

      ImmutableTableLocationKey makeImmutable()
      Get an ImmutableTableLocationKey that is equal to this.
      An immutable version of this key
    • clear

      default void clear()
      Release any cached data associated with this key. Should only be called when this key is no longer associated with any live TableLocation.
    • compareTo

      default int compareTo(@NotNull @NotNull TableLocationKey other)
      By default, compare fully qualified class names of the implementing classes. This method is a fallback where the implementing classes are not directly comparable, and should help establish a consistent ordering between distinct implementations.

      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<TableLocationKey>