Class FileTableLocationKey

All Implemented Interfaces:
LogOutputAppendable, ImmutableTableLocationKey, TableLocationKey, NamedImplementation, Comparable<TableLocationKey>

public class FileTableLocationKey extends PartitionedTableLocationKey
Base ImmutableTableLocationKey implementation for table locations that may be enclosed by partitions and described by a File. Sub-classes should override compareTo(TableLocationKey) and equals(Object) only if they need to prevent equality with other FileTableLocationKey implementations.
  • Field Details

    • file

      protected final File file
  • Constructor Details

    • FileTableLocationKey

      public FileTableLocationKey(@NotNull @NotNull File file, int order, @Nullable @Nullable Map<String,Comparable<?>> partitions)
      Construct a new FileTableLocationKey for the supplied file and partitions.
      file - The file (or directory) that backs the keyed location. Will be adjusted to an absolute path.
      order - Explicit ordering value for this location key. Comparable.compareTo(Object) will sort FileTableLocationKeys with a lower order before other keys. Comparing this ordering value takes precedence over other fields.
      partitions - The table partitions enclosing the table location keyed by this. Note that if this parameter is null, the location will be a member of no partitions. An ordered copy of the map will be made, so the calling code is free to mutate the map after this call completes, but the partition keys and values themselves must be effectively immutable.
  • Method Details