ClassDescriptionA SelectColumn that implements a formula computed from the existing columns in the table and a query scope.A filter that determines if a column value is between an upper and lower bound (which each may either be inclusive or exclusive).Filter that releases the required number of rows from a table to saturate the UGP cycle.Base class for filters that will release more rows of a table on each UGP cycle.Boilerplate super-class for various clock-oriented filters.Representation of a contiguous key range with monotonically nondecreasing timestamp values.A condition filter evaluates a formula against a table.ConditionFilter.FilterKernel<CONTEXT extends ConditionFilter.FilterKernel.Context>Utilities for downsampling non-ticking time series data within a query.Enum to use when selecting downsampling behavior:A where filter that extracts a set of inclusion or exclusion keys from a set table.The Formula class is used within a FormulaColumn to compute individual table cell values.Exception while compiling user formulas.Exception while evaluating user formulas.Extends
for specifically typed destinationWritableChunks
.FunctionalColumn<S,D> This will filter a table starting off with the first N rows, and then adding new rows to the table on each run.Parses strings of the form "Column" or "Column1=Column2" into a MatchPair (or array of them).A SelectColumn implementation that can be used to replace columns withNullValueColumnSource
sUtilities for expanding QueryScope parameter classes.A filter for comparable types (including Instant) forCondition
LESS_THAN LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL GREATER_THAN GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALThis interface marks WhereFilters that return a result set that should be the full set for subsequent filters.ReinterpretedColumn<S,D> AllowsColumnSource
reinterpretation via view-type (TableOperations.view(java.lang.String...)
operations.This will filter a table starting off with the first N rows, and then adding new rows to the table on each run.The interface for a query table to perform retrieve values from a column for select like operations.A factory to createSelectColumn
s from an input expression.Clock implementation for use with ClockFilter implementations to advance simulation time.This will filter a table on an Instant column for all rows greater than "now" according to a supplied clock.TimeSeriesFilter filters a timestamp colum within the table for recent rows.A builder to create a TimeSeriesFilter.This will filter a table on an Instant column for all rows greater than "now" according to a supplied clock.VectorChunkAdapter<ATTR extends Any>This class wraps an inner ChunkSource holding a Vector.Interface for individual filters within a where clause.This exception is thrown when a where() filter is incapable of handling previous values, and thus needs to be executed while under the UGP lock.Users of WhereFilter may implement this interface if they must react to the filter fundamentally changing.Given a user's filter string produce an appropriate WhereFilter instance.A Select filter that always returns an empty RowSet.Parses strings of the form "Column1=expression" into aWouldMatchPair
(or array of them).