Interface SelectColumn

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFormulaColumn, DhFormulaColumn, FormulaColumnPython, FunctionalColumn, FunctionalColumnLong, MultiSourceFunctionalColumn, NullSelectColumn, ReinterpretedColumn, SourceColumn, SwitchColumn, TableTransformationColumn

public interface SelectColumn extends Selectable
The interface for a query table to perform retrieve values from a column for select like operations.
  • Field Details


      static final SelectColumn[] ZERO_LENGTH_SELECT_COLUMN_ARRAY
      Convenient static final instance of a zero length Array of SelectColumns for use in toArray calls.
  • Method Details

    • of

      static SelectColumn of(Selectable selectable)
    • from

      static SelectColumn[] from(Selectable... selectables)
    • from

      static SelectColumn[] from(Collection<? extends Selectable> selectables)
    • copyFrom

      static SelectColumn[] copyFrom(SelectColumn[] selectColumns)
    • copyFrom

      static Collection<SelectColumn> copyFrom(Collection<SelectColumn> selectColumns)
    • ofStateless

      static SelectColumn ofStateless(@NotNull @NotNull Selectable selectable)
      Produce a stateless SelectColumn from selectable.
      selectable - The Selectable to adapt and mark as stateless
      The resulting SelectColumn
    • ofRecomputeOnModifiedRow

      static SelectColumn ofRecomputeOnModifiedRow(Selectable selectable)
      Produce a SelectColumn that recomputeOnModifiedRow() recomputes values on any modified row} from selectable.
      selectable - The Selectable to adapt and mark as requiring row-level recomputation
      The resulting SelectColumn
    • initInputs

      List<String> initInputs(TrackingRowSet rowSet, Map<String,? extends ColumnSource<?>> columnsOfInterest)
      Initialize the column from the provided set of underlying columns and row set.
      rowSet - the base row set
      columnsOfInterest - the input columns
      a list of columns on which the result of this is dependent
    • initDef

      List<String> initDef(@NotNull @NotNull Map<String,ColumnDefinition<?>> columnDefinitionMap)
      Initialize any internal column definitions from the provided initial. Any formulae will be compiled immediately using the QueryCompiler in the current ExecutionContext.
      columnDefinitionMap - the starting set of column definitions; valid for this call only
      a list of columns on which the result of this is dependent
      Any QueryLibrary, QueryScope, or QueryCompiler usage needs to be resolved within initDef. Implementations must be idempotent. Implementations that want to hold on to the columnDefinitionMap must make a defensive copy.
    • initDef

      default List<String> initDef(@NotNull @NotNull Map<String,ColumnDefinition<?>> columnDefinitionMap, @NotNull @NotNull QueryCompilerRequestProcessor compilationRequestProcessor)
      Initialize any internal column definitions from the provided initial. A compilation request consumer is provided to allow for deferred compilation of expressions that belong to the same query.

      Compilations must be resolved before using this SelectColumn.

      columnDefinitionMap - the starting set of column definitions; valid for this call only
      compilationRequestProcessor - a consumer to submit compilation requests; valid for this call only
      a list of columns on which the result of this is dependent
      Any QueryLibrary, QueryScope, or QueryCompiler usage needs to be resolved within initDef. Implementations must be idempotent. Implementations that want to hold on to the columnDefinitionMap must make a defensive copy.
    • getReturnedType

      Class<?> getReturnedType()
      Get the data type stored in the resultant column.
      the type
    • getReturnedComponentType

      Class<?> getReturnedComponentType()
      Get the data component type stored in the resultant column.
      the component type
    • getColumns

      List<String> getColumns()
      Get a list of the names of columns used in this SelectColumn. Behavior is undefined if none of the init* methods have been called yet.
      the columns used in this SelectColumn
    • getColumnArrays

      List<String> getColumnArrays()
      Get a list of the names of column arrays used in this SelectColumn. Behavior is undefined if none of the init* methods have been called yet.
      the list of column arrays used
    • getDataView

      @NotNull @NotNull ColumnSource<?> getDataView()
      Get a ColumnSource that can be used to access the data on demand.
      a ColumnSource
    • getLazyView

      @NotNull @NotNull ColumnSource<?> getLazyView()
      Returns a lazily computed view of this column.
      a lazily computed column source
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of the resultant column.
      the name of the column
    • getMatchPair

      MatchPair getMatchPair()
      Get a MatchPair for this column, if applicable.
      the MatchPair for this column, if applicable.
    • newDestInstance

      WritableColumnSource<?> newDestInstance(long size)
      Create a new WritableColumnSource. The returned column source must be capable of handling updates.
      size - A hint as to the number of rows that will be used
      a new WritableColumnSource
    • newFlatDestInstance

      WritableColumnSource<?> newFlatDestInstance(long size)
      Create a new immutable WritableColumnSource. The returned column source should be flat, and need not handle updates.
      size - A hint as to the number of rows that will be used
      a new WritableColumnSource
    • isRetain

      boolean isRetain()
    • validateSafeForRefresh

      default void validateSafeForRefresh(BaseTable<?> sourceTable)
      Validate that this SelectColumn is safe to use in the context of the provided sourceTable.
      sourceTable - the source table
    • isStateless

      boolean isStateless()
      Returns true if this column is stateless (i.e. one row does not depend on the order of evaluation for another row).
    • hasVirtualRowVariables

      default boolean hasVirtualRowVariables()
      Returns true if this column uses row virtual offset columns of i, ii or k.
    • copy

      SelectColumn copy()
      Create a copy of this SelectColumn.
      an independent copy of this SelectColumn.
    • recomputeOnModifiedRow

      default boolean recomputeOnModifiedRow()
      Should we ignore modified column sets, and always re-evaluate this column when the row changes?
      true if this column should be evaluated on every row modification
    • withRecomputeOnModifiedRow

      default SelectColumn withRecomputeOnModifiedRow()
      Create a copy of this SelectColumn that always re-evaluates itself when a row is modified.
    • newColumn

      default ColumnName newColumn()
      Description copied from interface: Selectable
      The new column name, to be added to the new table.
      Specified by:
      newColumn in interface Selectable
      the new column name
    • expression

      default Expression expression()
      Description copied from interface: Selectable
      The expression.
      Specified by:
      expression in interface Selectable
      the expression