Class LongCharacterShortColumnTupleSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
ChunkSource<Values>, ChunkSource.WithPrev<Values>, FillContextMaker, GetContextMaker, DefaultChunkSource<Values>, DefaultChunkSource.WithPrev<Values>, TupleExporter<LongCharShortTuple>, TupleSource<LongCharShortTuple>

public class LongCharacterShortColumnTupleSource extends AbstractTupleSource<LongCharShortTuple>

TupleSource that produces key column values from ColumnSource types Long, Character, and Short.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • createTuple

      public final LongCharShortTuple createTuple(long rowKey)
      Description copied from interface: TupleSource
      Create a tuple for key column values at the supplied row key.
      rowKey - The row key
      The resulting tuple
    • createPreviousTuple

      public final LongCharShortTuple createPreviousTuple(long rowKey)
      Description copied from interface: TupleSource
      Create a tuple for previous key column values at the supplied row key.
      rowKey - The row key
      The resulting tuple
    • createTupleFromValues

      public final LongCharShortTuple createTupleFromValues(@NotNull @NotNull Object... values)
      Description copied from interface: TupleSource
      Create a tuple for the supplied (boxed) values.
      values - The values
      The resulting tuple
    • createTupleFromReinterpretedValues

      public final LongCharShortTuple createTupleFromReinterpretedValues(@NotNull @NotNull Object... values)
      Description copied from interface: TupleSource
      Create a tuple for the supplied reinterpreted values.
      values - The values
      The resulting tuple
    • tupleLength

      public final int tupleLength()
      Description copied from interface: TupleExporter
      Get the number of elements in tuples supported by this TupleExporter.
      The number of elements in tuples supported by this TupleExporter
    • exportElement

      public final <ELEMENT_TYPE> void exportElement(@NotNull @NotNull LongCharShortTuple tuple, int elementIndex, @NotNull @NotNull WritableColumnSource<ELEMENT_TYPE> writableSource, long destinationRowKey)
      Description copied from interface: TupleExporter
      Export a single element from the tuple, identified by its element index, to the destination row key of the supplied writable source.

      For the empty tuple, this is unsupported.

      For singles, this will copy the sole element, possibly in boxed form.

      For doubles and longer, this will copy the specified element without any unnecessary boxing.

      tuple - The tuple to export an element from
      elementIndex - The element index to export
      writableSource - The destination
      destinationRowKey - The destination row key
    • exportElement

      public final Object exportElement(@NotNull @NotNull LongCharShortTuple tuple, int elementIndex)
      Description copied from interface: TupleExporter
      Export a single element (identified by elementIndex) from the tuple, boxing as necessary.

      For the empty tuple, this is unsupported.

      tuple - The tuple to export an element from
      elementIndex - The element index to export
      The exported element, boxed when necessary
    • exportAllTo

      public final void exportAllTo(Object @NotNull [] dest, @NotNull @NotNull LongCharShortTuple tuple)
      Description copied from interface: TupleExporter
      Fill an Object[] with all elements from the tuple, boxing as necessary.

      For the empty tuple, this is unsupported.

      dest - The destination Object[]
      tuple - The tuple to export from
    • exportAllTo

      public final void exportAllTo(Object @NotNull [] dest, @NotNull @NotNull LongCharShortTuple tuple, int @NotNull [] map)
      Description copied from interface: TupleExporter
      Fill an Object[] with all elements from the tuple, boxing as necessary, mapping the tuple elements to the destination array using the provided int[] {code map}. This map contains the destination index for each tuple element in order.

      Providing map = new int{1, 2, 0} means that the 0th element of the tuple will be written in dest[1], the 1st element of the tuple will be written in dest[2], and the 2nd element of the tuple will be written in dest[0].

      For the empty tuple, this is unsupported.

      dest - The destination Object[]
      tuple - The tuple to export from
      map - Instructions where to write each tuple element in dest
    • exportElementReinterpreted

      public final Object exportElementReinterpreted(@NotNull @NotNull LongCharShortTuple tuple, int elementIndex)
      Description copied from interface: TupleExporter
      Export a single element (identified by elementIndex) from the tuple, boxing as necessary. If the tuple has been internally reinterpreted, return the reinterpreted value.

      For the empty tuple, this is unsupported.

      tuple - The tuple to export an element from
      elementIndex - The element index to export
      The exported element, reinterpreted if internally reinterpreted, boxed when necessary
    • exportAllReinterpretedTo

      public final void exportAllReinterpretedTo(Object @NotNull [] dest, @NotNull @NotNull LongCharShortTuple tuple)
      Description copied from interface: TupleExporter
      Fill an Object[] with all element from the tuple, boxing as necessary. If the tuple has been internally reinterpreted, will fill with reinterpreted values.

      For the empty tuple, this is unsupported.

      dest - The destination Object[]
      tuple - The tuple to export from
    • exportAllReinterpretedTo

      public final void exportAllReinterpretedTo(Object @NotNull [] dest, @NotNull @NotNull LongCharShortTuple tuple, int @NotNull [] map)
      Description copied from interface: TupleExporter
      Fill an Object[] with all element from the tuple, boxing as necessary, mapping the tuple elements to the destination array using the provided int[] map. This map contains the destination index for each tuple element in order. will fill with reinterpreted values.

      Providing map = new int{1, 2, 0} means that the 0th element of the tuple will be written in dest[1], the 1st element of the tuple will be written in dest[2], and the 2nd element of the tuple will be written in dest[0].

      For the empty tuple, this is unsupported.

      dest - The destination Object[]
      tuple - The tuple to export from
      map - Instructions where to write each tuple element in dest
    • convertChunks

      protected void convertChunks(@NotNull @NotNull WritableChunk<? super Values> destination, int chunkSize, Chunk<? extends Values>[] chunks)
      Specified by:
      convertChunks in class AbstractTupleSource<LongCharShortTuple>