Package io.deephaven.qst.table
Interface InputTable
- All Superinterfaces:
,TableSpec> TableOperationsDefaults<TableSpec,
,TableSpec> TableSchema
- All Known Implementing Classes:
An input table creation specification.
Nested Class Summary
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface io.deephaven.api.TableOperations
Fields inherited from interface io.deephaven.api.TableOperationsDefaults
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionschema()
The schema for the input table.<R> R
(InputTable.Visitor<R> visitor) Methods inherited from interface io.deephaven.api.TableOperations
aggAllBy, aggBy, asOfJoin, dropColumns, exactJoin, head, join, join, lazyUpdate, naturalJoin, rangeJoin, reverse, select, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, slice, snapshot, snapshotWhen, snapshotWhen, snapshotWhen, sort, tail, ungroup, update, updateBy, updateView, view, where, whereIn, whereNotIn
Methods inherited from interface io.deephaven.api.TableOperationsDefaults
absSumBy, absSumBy, absSumBy, absSumBy, aggAllBy, aggAllBy, aggAllBy, aggBy, aggBy, aggBy, aggBy, aggBy, aggBy, aggBy, aj, aj, avgBy, avgBy, avgBy, avgBy, countBy, countBy, countBy, countBy, dropColumns, dropColumns, exactJoin, exactJoin, firstBy, firstBy, firstBy, firstBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, join, join, join, lastBy, lastBy, lastBy, lastBy, lazyUpdate, maxBy, maxBy, maxBy, maxBy, medianBy, medianBy, medianBy, medianBy, minBy, minBy, minBy, minBy, naturalJoin, naturalJoin, raj, raj, rangeJoin, select, select, selectDistinct, sort, sortDescending, stdBy, stdBy, stdBy, stdBy, sumBy, sumBy, sumBy, sumBy, ungroup, ungroup, ungroup, ungroup, update, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateView, varBy, varBy, varBy, varBy, view, wavgBy, wavgBy, wavgBy, wavgBy, where, whereIn, whereNotIn, wsumBy, wsumBy, wsumBy, wsumBy
Methods inherited from interface io.deephaven.qst.table.TableSchema
Method Details
TableSchema schema()The schema for the input table.- Returns:
- the schema