Interface TableOperationsDefaults<TOPS extends TableOperations<TOPS,TABLE>,TABLE>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
InputTable, Join, PartitionedTable.Proxy, SelectableTable, SingleParentTable, TableAdapter, TableDefaults, TableSpec
All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregateAllTable, AggregateTable, AppendOnlyArrayBackedInputTable, AsOfJoinTable, BarrageBlinkTable, BarrageRedirectedTable, BarrageTable, BaseTable, BlinkInputTable, ByTableBase, DeferredViewTable, DropColumnsTable, EmptyTable, ExactJoinTable, HeadTable, InitialSnapshotTable, InMemoryAppendOnlyInputTable, InMemoryKeyBackedInputTable, InMemoryTable, InputTableBase, JoinBase, JoinTable, KeyedArrayBackedInputTable, LazyUpdateTable, MergeTable, MultiJoinTable, NaturalJoinTable, NewTable, PartitionAwareSourceTable, QueryReplayGroupedTable, QueryTable, QueryTable.FilteredTable, RangeJoinTable, RedefinableTable, ReplayGroupedFullTable, ReplayLastByGroupedTable, ReplayTable, ReplayTableBase, ReverseTable, SelectDistinctTable, SelectTable, SimpleSourceTable, SnapshotTable, SnapshotWhenTable, SortTable, SourceTable, StackTraceMixIn, TableBase, TableHandle, TableOperationsAdapter, TableSpecAdapter, TailTable, TicketTable, TimeTable, TimeTable, UncoalescedTable, UngroupTable, UpdatableTable, UpdateByTable, UpdateSourceQueryTable, UpdateTable, UpdateViewTable, ViewTable, WhereInTable, WhereTable

public interface TableOperationsDefaults<TOPS extends TableOperations<TOPS,TABLE>,TABLE> extends TableOperations<TOPS,TABLE>
Sub-interface to capture default methods rom TableOperationsDefaults.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final ColumnName[]
    static final Filter[]

    Fields inherited from interface io.deephaven.api.TableOperations

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default TOPS
    Produces a single row table with the absolute sum of each column.
    default TOPS
    absSumBy(ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sum of the absolute values for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    absSumBy(String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sum of the absolute values for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    absSumBy(Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sum of the absolute values for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    default TOPS
    aggAllBy(AggSpec spec, String... groupByColumns)
    default TOPS
    aggAllBy(AggSpec spec, Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    default TOPS
    aggBy(Aggregation aggregation)
    Produce an aggregated result by grouping all rows from this into a single group of rows and applying aggregation to the result.
    default TOPS
    aggBy(Aggregation aggregation, String... groupByColumns)
    Produce an aggregated result by grouping this according to the groupByColumns and applying aggregation to each resulting group of rows.
    default TOPS
    aggBy(Aggregation aggregation, Collection<? extends ColumnName> groupByColumns)
    Produce an aggregated result by grouping this according to the groupByColumns and applying aggregation to each resulting group of rows.
    default TOPS
    aggBy(Collection<? extends Aggregation> aggregations)
    Produce an aggregated result by grouping all rows from this into a single group of rows and applying aggregations to the result.
    default TOPS
    aggBy(Collection<? extends Aggregation> aggregations, boolean preserveEmpty)
    Produce an aggregated result by grouping all rows from this into a single group of rows and applying aggregations to the result.
    default TOPS
    aggBy(Collection<? extends Aggregation> aggregations, String... groupByColumns)
    Produce an aggregated result by grouping this according to the groupByColumns and applying aggregations to each resulting group of rows.
    default TOPS
    aggBy(Collection<? extends Aggregation> aggregations, Collection<? extends ColumnName> groupByColumns)
    Produce an aggregated result by grouping this according to the groupByColumns and applying aggregations to each resulting group of rows.
    default TOPS
    aj(TABLE rightTable, String columnsToMatch)
    Perform an as-of join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    aj(TABLE rightTable, String columnsToMatch, String columnsToAdd)
    Perform an as-of join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    Produces a single row table with the average of each column.
    default TOPS
    avgBy(ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the average for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    avgBy(String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the average for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    avgBy(Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the average for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    countBy(String countColumnName)
    default TOPS
    countBy(String countColumnName, ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    default TOPS
    countBy(String countColumnName, String... groupByColumns)
    default TOPS
    countBy(String countColumnName, Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    default TOPS
    dropColumns(ColumnName... columnNames)
    Creates a new table without the columnNames from this.
    default TOPS
    Creates a new table without the columnNames from this.
    default TOPS
    exactJoin(TABLE rightTable, String columnsToMatch)
    Perform an exact-join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    exactJoin(TABLE rightTable, String columnsToMatch, String columnsToAdd)
    Perform an exact-join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    Returns the first row of the given table.
    default TOPS
    firstBy(ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and retrieves the first for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    firstBy(String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and retrieves the first for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    firstBy(Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and retrieves the first for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    default TOPS
    groupBy(String... groupByColumns)
    default TOPS
    groupBy(Collection<? extends ColumnName> groupByColumns)
    default TOPS
    join(TABLE rightTable)
    Perform a cross join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    join(TABLE rightTable, String columnsToMatch)
    Perform a cross join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    join(TABLE rightTable, String columnsToMatch, String columnsToAdd)
    Perform a cross join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    Returns the last row of the given table.
    default TOPS
    lastBy(ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and retrieves the last for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    lastBy(String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and retrieves the last for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    lastBy(Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and retrieves the last for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    lazyUpdate(String... colummns)
    Compute column formulas on demand.
    default TOPS
    Produces a single row table with the maximum of each column.
    default TOPS
    maxBy(ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the max for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    maxBy(String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the max for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    maxBy(Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the max for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    Produces a single row table with the median of each column.
    default TOPS
    medianBy(ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the median for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    medianBy(String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the median for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    medianBy(Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the median for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    Produces a single row table with the minimum of each column.
    default TOPS
    minBy(ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the min for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    minBy(String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the min for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    minBy(Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the min for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    naturalJoin(TABLE rightTable, String columnsToMatch)
    Perform an natural-join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    naturalJoin(TABLE rightTable, String columnsToMatch, String columnsToAdd)
    Perform a natural-join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    raj(TABLE rightTable, String columnsToMatch)
    Perform an reverse-as-of join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    raj(TABLE rightTable, String columnsToMatch, String columnsToAdd)
    Perform a reverse-as-of join with the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    rangeJoin(TABLE rightTable, Collection<String> columnsToMatch, Collection<? extends Aggregation> aggregations)
    Perform a range join with rightTable.
    default TOPS
    default TOPS
    select(String... columns)
    default TOPS
    selectDistinct(String... columns)
    default TOPS
    sort(String... columnsToSortBy)
    default TOPS
    sortDescending(String... columnsToSortBy)
    static List<String>
    default TOPS
    Produces a single row table with the sample standard deviation of each column.
    default TOPS
    stdBy(ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sample standard deviation for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    stdBy(String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sample standard deviation for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    stdBy(Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sample standard deviation for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    Produces a single row table with the sum of each column.
    default TOPS
    sumBy(ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sum for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    sumBy(String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sum for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    sumBy(Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sum for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    Ungroups a table by expanding all columns of arrays or vectors into columns of singular values, creating one row in the output table for each value in the columns to be ungrouped.
    default TOPS
    ungroup(boolean nullFill)
    Ungroups a table by expanding all columns of arrays or vectors into columns of singular values, creating one row in the output table for each value in the columns to be ungrouped.
    default TOPS
    ungroup(boolean nullFill, String... columnsToUngroup)
    Ungroups a table by expanding columns of arrays or vectors into columns of singular values, creating one row in the output table for each value in the columns to be ungrouped.
    default TOPS
    ungroup(String... columnsToUngroup)
    Ungroups a table by expanding columns of arrays or vectors into columns of singular values, creating one row in the output table for each value in the columns to be ungrouped.
    default TOPS
    update(String... columns)
    default TOPS
    Creates a table with additional columns calculated from window-based aggregations of columns in its parent.
    default TOPS
    updateBy(UpdateByControl control, UpdateByOperation operation, String... byColumns)
    Creates a table with additional columns calculated from window-based aggregations of columns in its parent.
    default TOPS
    updateBy(UpdateByControl control, Collection<? extends UpdateByOperation> operations)
    Creates a table with additional columns calculated from window-based aggregations of columns in its parent.
    default TOPS
    Creates a table with additional columns calculated from window-based aggregations of columns in its parent.
    default TOPS
    updateBy(UpdateByOperation operation, String... byColumns)
    Creates a table with additional columns calculated from window-based aggregations of columns in its parent.
    default TOPS
    updateBy(Collection<? extends UpdateByOperation> operations)
    Creates a table with additional columns calculated from window-based aggregations of columns in its parent.
    default TOPS
    updateBy(Collection<? extends UpdateByOperation> operations, String... byColumns)
    Creates a table with additional columns calculated from window-based aggregations of columns in its parent.
    default TOPS
    updateBy(Collection<? extends UpdateByOperation> operations, Collection<? extends ColumnName> byColumns)
    Creates a table with additional columns calculated from window-based aggregations of columns in its parent.
    default TOPS
    updateView(String... columns)
    default TOPS
    Produces a single row table with the sample variance of each column.
    default TOPS
    varBy(ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sample variance for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    varBy(String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the sample variance for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    varBy(Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the variance for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    view(String... columns)
    default TOPS
    wavgBy(String weightColumn)
    Produces a single row table with the weighted average using weightColumn for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    wavgBy(String weightColumn, ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the weighted average using weightColumn for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    wavgBy(String weightColumn, String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the weighted average using weightColumn for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    wavgBy(String weightColumn, Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the weighted average using weightColumn for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    where(String... filters)
    default TOPS
    whereIn(TABLE rightTable, String... columnsToMatch)
    Filters this table based on the set of values in the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    whereNotIn(TABLE rightTable, String... columnsToMatch)
    Filters this table based on the set of values not in the rightTable.
    default TOPS
    wsumBy(String weightColumn)
    Computes the weighted sum for all rows in the table using weightColumn for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    wsumBy(String weightColumn, ColumnName... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the weighted sum using weightColumn for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    wsumBy(String weightColumn, String... groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the weighted sum using weightColumn for the rest of the fields
    default TOPS
    wsumBy(String weightColumn, Collection<String> groupByColumns)
    Groups the data column according to groupByColumns and computes the weighted sum using weightColumn for the rest of the fields