Interface TableSchema

All Known Subinterfaces:
InputTable, Join, SelectableTable, SingleParentTable, TableSpec
All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregateAllTable, AggregateTable, AsOfJoinTable, BlinkInputTable, ByTableBase, DropColumnsTable, EmptyTable, ExactJoinTable, HeadTable, InMemoryAppendOnlyInputTable, InMemoryKeyBackedInputTable, InputTableBase, JoinBase, JoinTable, LazyUpdateTable, MergeTable, MultiJoinTable, NaturalJoinTable, NewTable, RangeJoinTable, ReverseTable, SelectDistinctTable, SelectTable, SliceTable, SnapshotTable, SnapshotWhenTable, SortTable, TableBase, TableHeader, TailTable, TicketTable, TimeTable, UngroupTable, UpdateByTable, UpdateTable, UpdateViewTable, ViewTable, WhereInTable, WhereTable

public interface TableSchema
A table schema is used to refer to a schema. A schema may be referenced directly via TableHeader; or indirectly via TableSpec, which means the schema is the same as the other TableSpec schema.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <T> T