Package io.deephaven.qst.table
Class MergeTable
- All Implemented Interfaces:
,TableSpec> TableOperationsDefaults<TableSpec,
,TableSpec> TableSchema
Concatenates multiple tables into a single table.
The resultant table will have rows from the same table together, in the order they are specified as inputs.
When ticking tables grow, they may run out of the 'pre-allocated' space for newly added rows. When more key- space is needed, tables in higher key-space are shifted to yet higher key-space to make room for new rows. Shifts are handled efficiently, but some downstream operations generate a linear O(n) amount of work per shifted row. When possible, one should favor ordering the constituent tables first by static/non-ticking sources followed by tables that are expected to grow at slower rates, and finally by tables that grow without bound.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesNested classes/interfaces inherited from interface io.deephaven.qst.table.TableSpec
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface io.deephaven.api.TableOperations
Fields inherited from interface io.deephaven.api.TableOperationsDefaults
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic MergeTable.Builder
static MergeTable
static MergeTable
final <T> T
(TableSpec.Visitor<T> visitor) Methods inherited from class io.deephaven.qst.table.TableBase
aggAllBy, aggBy, asOfJoin, dropColumns, exactJoin, head, join, join, lazyUpdate, logic, naturalJoin, rangeJoin, reverse, select, select, selectDistinct, selectDistinct, slice, snapshot, snapshotWhen, snapshotWhen, snapshotWhen, sort, tail, toString, ungroup, update, updateBy, updateView, view, walk, where, whereIn, whereNotIn
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface io.deephaven.api.TableOperationsDefaults
absSumBy, absSumBy, absSumBy, absSumBy, aggAllBy, aggAllBy, aggAllBy, aggBy, aggBy, aggBy, aggBy, aggBy, aggBy, aggBy, aj, aj, avgBy, avgBy, avgBy, avgBy, countBy, countBy, countBy, countBy, dropColumns, dropColumns, exactJoin, exactJoin, firstBy, firstBy, firstBy, firstBy, groupBy, groupBy, groupBy, join, join, join, lastBy, lastBy, lastBy, lastBy, lazyUpdate, maxBy, maxBy, maxBy, maxBy, medianBy, medianBy, medianBy, medianBy, minBy, minBy, minBy, minBy, naturalJoin, naturalJoin, raj, raj, rangeJoin, select, selectDistinct, sort, sortDescending, stdBy, stdBy, stdBy, stdBy, sumBy, sumBy, sumBy, sumBy, ungroup, ungroup, ungroup, ungroup, update, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateBy, updateView, varBy, varBy, varBy, varBy, view, wavgBy, wavgBy, wavgBy, wavgBy, where, whereIn, whereNotIn, wsumBy, wsumBy, wsumBy, wsumBy
Constructor Details
public MergeTable()
Method Details